Walkersville, MD citizens organizing against re-zoning for Muslim compound

Posted by acorcoran on January 6, 2008

Although this isn’t about refugees per se, it does follow on the theme of recent days and that is Muslim immigrants seeking to set themselves apart and in this case by creating a compound for religious activity. Residents of small towns such as Walkersville, MD are spooked by this and citizens are organizing in hopes of defeating a 200 plus acre facility adjacent to town.

Judy and I attended an early public meeting and citizens who spoke up indicated they didn’t care if it was a Muslim project or a Catholic project; re-zoning agricultural land for a religious facility of this size would hurt the quiet character of this little town they told a standing room only crowd. However, in a recent radio program to discuss this Pakastani sect of Islam, leaders of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community did not distance themselves from precepts of Sharia law. So, I (Islamophobe that I am!) would be more than a little nervous about what plans were in place for a closed facility, although the citizens organizing against the rezoning are more concerned with the quality of life, crowded roads and increased demands for services.

To learn more go here. And, check out the Citizens for Walkersville website here. The public hearing will begin on Jan. 8, 2008 at 7 p.m. and run till 10 p.m., and then continue for several more nights due to an anticipated large number of people who might wish to be heard.
http://refugeeresettlementwatch.wordpre ... -compound/

Please visit the site with original post for more information. Please check the 'Citizens for Walkersville' link there and find how you can help your fellow Americans.