This is the real meaning of labor day...this is a brasscheck video

It looks like someone is still trying to unionize walmart doesn't matter if it does or doesn't nothing will change the Unions and Corporations are all in bed together at the expense of all workers .

Now we have the big union thugs running things and the meaning of all this is lost because the worker gets shafted still and from both sides...

What we really need is a "American workers union" in this country period...get rid of the unions and the corporation dictates and go back to the rights of the American Worker selling products made by American Workers....with out that we all are on a "merry go round" going no where but round and round!!!!

It's Labor Day.

Over 100 years ago, workers risked life and limb to get things like a five day work week, an eight hour day, and the right to organize.

Walmart, the country's #1 retailer, and one of the biggest corporations in the world, is doing its best to dismantle those gains one by one.

Happy Labor Day !!!!
