If these agents of change succeed in destroying the economy and neutering the Constitution what will protect the freedom and opportunity of America?

Wanted Community Organizers No Experience Needed

By Dr. Robert R. Owens
Monday, January 11, 2010

Talk about a man-caused disaster have you looked at the recovery lately? The Republicans under the Bush dynasty and the Clinton interlewd paved the way for the current debacle of fiscal debauchery. The only thing growing is the government. Have the Liberals staged a second revolution? Khrushchev predicted the Soviet Union would bury us and since they’re now on the trash heap of history is the Liberal Politburo of leftwing academics, corrupt politicians and their lamestream propaganda machine digging the grave instead?

The Obama administration’s takeover of America’s health care system, the financial industry, the biggest player in the insurance industry, major manufacturing the coming Cap-N-Trade boondoggle, and the soon-to-be-launched drive for import-a-voter immigration reform is a direct assault upon the productive designed to hobble their economic power and limit their personal freedom. The statists know the economically prosperous and individually free people of America stand in the way of their plans to create a centrally-planned economy and the regimented society it requires.

The Cloward-Piven Strategy for overwhelming the American constitutional system of limited government was formulated in the game-changing 60s. The leading tactician of the left, Saul Alinsky embraced and promoted this strategy. President Obama taught Alinsky’s principles at the University of Chicago and recently Christ Matthews in one of his softball interviews with a fellow liberal hailed Alinsky as one of “ourâ€