The War on Terrorism Has Met the Enemy, and It’s US

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Mariana was a classmate of mine when I was in middle school. She was a beautiful girl, and also very smart and hard working. She was popular: the other girls felt privileged to be her friends, and all the boys had a secret crush on her. Her grades were always high, and she helped others in their studies. In the schools back in the days of Communism, the teachers decided who sat where in the classroom, and the banks were always double (to save space). Whoever was assigned to sit next to her felt privileged. And yet, she was always quite humble, and her popularity never spoiled her, and she was always nice and polite to everyone. Her parents had trained her well.

Until one day, the principal came to our classroom, and said that Mariana will from now on sit in the back of the classroom, alone. Something had happened, but no one told us what. We were actively discouraged from playing with her in the recesses, or from asking her for help in our studies. The girls stopped being friends with her; we, the boys, felt something had changed, and that we shouldn’t try to approach her or pay her compliments, or even offer her help.

Years later I found out what had happened: Her father was caught listening to “enemy radio stationsâ€