Warming Scientists Found Out, shameful pushers of lies and scientific fraud

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!

By Barry Napier
Monday, November 23, 2009

At last, major global warming scientists, some based in England, are shown to be what they are – shameful pushers of lies and scientific fraud. Those of us who oppose the movement already know they are liars, but it is important that their deceptions are brought out into the open for all to see. They have derogated and scorned reputable scientists for opposing warming ideas, so now let them be scorned by their own discovered deceptions.

They hide the true facts, they stop anti-warming scientists from getting their work published, they distort figures, they feed the IPCC with lies, just to keep the myth going. As I have said before, they do it to get to their main goal – money, power and socialism. Yes, it might sound like a broken record, but what can you do when that is what is going on?

Recent revelations exploded on the scene just a few days ago, but few in the media reported on it! Why? Because they are biased toward error and toward the business of making up stories that shock and spread doom. They increase readership and listeners, whereas good news does not.

I predict that no government, except for those already refusing to be harassed into signing treaties on warming, will bother to take this on board, unless they are forced to by voters. They want the lies to continue so that they can cripple their countries with ‘green’ taxes – which are many already – and get power for themselves.

No doubt, ‘truth-or-lie’ websites will want to get in quick to deny or accept that the revelations are genuine or not. Just bear in mind that there is only one way they can prove their case – that is, if someone admits to being the hacker and admits to inventing what he said. There is no other way to prove or disprove what has been revealed. Even then, the ‘hacker’ who makes such an admission may not be genuine… it is not beyond imagination that scientists caught out by the revelations would get someone to take the blame, in return for favours unknown… maybe a promise of a completed PhD, or money, or some other incentive. After all, the stakes are very high, and world leaders are relying on these lies as a basis for their own lies and power struggle.

For myself, I have been revealing the truth about environmentalism for some years now, and I know greenies are liars and frauds. I have shown some of this in my own literature. So have others. Al Gore has already been shown to be a consummate liar, particularly in his film, ‘An Inconvenient Truth’, which was dismembered point-by-point by an UK court. All greenie science has been debunked. But no politician will allow such truth to dissuade them from taking powers beyond their remit!

Tim Blair said in the UK’s Daily Telegraph:

“Should they (emails) be proved genuine, which is looking likely at this point, in the absence of denials, these emails are absolute dynamite.â€