‘Climate crisis’ illness?! NBC News: White House to unveil a ‘national dashboard’ for tracking ‘heat-related illnesses nationwide’ due to the ‘growing impacts of the climate crisis’

New York Times claims ‘climate change’ means ‘the end of the summer vacation as we know it’ – ‘Our relationship to travel has reached a tipping point’

Watch: Morano on Fox News Jesse Watters on Hawaii fires: ‘Weaponizing the weather’ – ‘They are blaming the climate boogeyman as the cause of these fires, not the gross mismanagement’

Canada’s environment minister exposed as China government adviser

Biden Moves Closer to Declaring a Climate Emergency – ‘Could see gas rationing, restrictions on electricity use, & limits on air travel’ & meat

Heartland Institute: President Joe Biden and the UN are likely to declare an “official” global climate emergency next week. All the signs are there. The chatter, and the behind the scenes maneuvering. The UN’s website now has a climate emergency page. Biden the other day stopped short, but when the new temperature numbers are issued on August 15 by NOAA, that may be all the justification Biden needs. The “melting in Antarctica and the supposed subsequent sea level rise” will be another, and Lahaina in Maui burning to the ground will be cited as yet another.
If Biden declares a climate emergency, will climate lockdowns follow? History suggests yes. In a plausible scenario, we could see gas rationing, restrictions on electricity use, and limits on air travel. Enjoy steaks? Well, you can forget those.

White House: ‘All’ Big Storms ‘We Continue to See Are Definitely Caused’ by Warming, Might Declare Emergency

White House National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby stated that President Joe Biden hasn’t decided whether he’ll declare a national emergency on climate and that, “all the severe storms that we continue to see are definitely caused as a result of what’s going on in the rising temperature across the globe.”
Kirby said, “The President hasn’t made a decision yet on declaring a national emergency on climate, Poppy. But, for all intents and purposes, he’s treating this with all the due gravity and the seriousness that the climate crisis deserves. It’s been a focus for him since day one.”
“”As an administration, we’re going to stay focused on the climate crisis. It is front and center. It is right in front of us. And these wildfires and all the severe storms that we continue to see are definitely caused as a result of what’s going on in the rising temperature across the globe. And so, we’ve got to treat this seriously.”

‘Vampire charging’: Electric Vehicle Charges Grid: ‘EVs can feed excess power back to the grid during peak demand, helping to prevent blackouts’ – ‘Vehicle-to-grid charging’

Terence West reported Wednesday for EnergyPortal that‚”PG&E, is exploring the potential of electric vehicles (EVs) to support the state’s fragile power grid.” What that means in practice is that CEO Patti Poppe wants a future where, “EVs can feed excess power back to the grid during peak demand, helping to prevent blackouts.” …
The concept, known as ‚”vehicle-to-grid‚” charging, involves sending power from an EV’s battery back to the grid while the car is parked and plugged in. This technology is still in its early stages and faces significant costs, hindering widespread adoption. However, EVs could play a crucial role in ensuring grid stability during periods of high energy demand and solar power shortages. …
Then there’s the matter of cost. “To encourage drivers to participate in bidirectional charging,” West conceded in his report, “utilities may need to offer incentives such as monetary compensation for the kilowatt hours contributed.”

Maui fires used to push Biden to declare ‘climate emergency’ – Green New Deal Network: ‘How many more lives lost…is Pres. Biden willing to tolerate before he declares a climate emergency & activates politicians to take further climate action?’

USA Today: Kaniela Ing of Green New Deal Network: ‚ “How many more lives lost or families displaced in communities like mine is President Biden willing to tolerate before he declares a climate emergency and activates politicians to take further climate action?”

The Infuriating Climate Alarm: ‘Weather is not climate change. Except when it’s really hot’ – ‘This summer has been rubbish in UK…It’s been cold, wet’

Both NASA and the ESA reported that the Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai underwater volcano eruption in January 2022 increased the amount of stratospheric water vapour by a minimum of 10%, possibly up to 30%. So vast was this expulsion of H2O that it is likely toincrease average global temperatures for several years to come. If you are looking for LM reports on the staggering global climate impact of this event, don’t bother. There aren’t any.

Are Greens Overplaying Their Hand?

If Biden declares a ‘Climate Emergency,’ he would seize 130 new powers – Seeks repeat of COVID-style lockdowns with bypassing of democracy – Morano Responds

Biden – Aug 9, 2023: I’ve Declared a Climate Emergency ‘Practically Speaking’
What it would mean for Biden to declare a national ‘climate emergency’ – Triggers ability for him to deploy around 130 different powers’

Dem Sen Majority Leader Schumer urges Biden to call a climate emergency’‚ “He can do many, many things under the emergency powers‚ without legislation’

‚ ‘Listen to science’: Activist Bill McKibben echoes calls for Biden to declare a ‘Climate Emergency’
NASA Scientist Peter Kalmus: ‘Biden must declare a climate emergency’
Climate Depot’s Morano: “”The Biden administration believes that when democracy fails to achieve its climate goals, it’s time to bypass democracy and Congress and follow the COVID model. Climate activists have lusted after the COVID lockdowns as the model for climate lockdowns. The plan is to declare a ‘climate emergency,’ toss out elected representatives and follow China’s one-party rule model by implementing energy restrictions through the bureaucracy. They don’t need no stinkin’ democracy. Throughout history,emergency declarations have been used and abused to crush freedom.For those who loved how unelected officials ruled our lives under COVID lockdowns, prepare for the attempts to make climate lockdowns permanent. For an idea of what the world would look like under a climate lockdown.”” See:2021 International Energy Agency’s ‘Net-Zero’ report urges, “behavioral changes’ to fight climate: A shift away from private car use‚ upper speed limits’ & thermostat controls; limits on hot water and more!
2022 Intl Energy Agency report urges ENERGY LOCKDOWNS: Banning use of private cars on Sundays‚ Reducing highway speed limits‚ more working from home‚ cutting business air travel and SUV ‘tax’

Flashback: Morano on Biden’s coming‚ ‘climate emergency’: Seeking exact same powers they had under COVID‚ to bypass democracy, to tell the Supreme Court to stuff it’

Biden: I’ve Declared a Climate Emergency ‘Practically Speaking’

CNN: ‘Biden incorrectly claims he has declared a national emergency on climate’

CNN: While Biden has taken a series of significant legislative and executive steps to combat climate change, he has stopped short of declaring a national emergency, which would unlock sweeping new federal authorities and funds to combat the climate crisis. Climate activists have called on Biden since the earliest days of his presidency to declare a national emergency. … The president seemed close to declaring a climate emergency in the summer of 2022 after it appeared Sen. Joe Manchin, a West Virginia Democrat,had tanked the Inflation Reduction Act Biden’s signature climate and health care bill. In a July 20, 2022, speech in Massachusetts, Biden strongly hinted that he could declare an emergency.

Politico: Biden says he has ‘practically’ declared a climate emergency. But he actually hasn’t…YET – ‘Would give him a host of new powers to combat climate change’

‚”We’ve already done that,” Biden said Wednesday when asked whether he was prepared to declare a national climate emergency during an interview on The Weather Channel. “We’ve conserved more land, we’ve moved into rejoining the Paris Climate Accord. We’ve got a $60 billion climate control facility.” When pressed about whether he has actually declared an emergency, Biden responded, “Practically speaking, yes.”

However, no such declaration has come from the White House. Experts say Biden could invoke the 1976 National Emergencies Act to give himself the power to order the manufacture of clean energy technology, deploy renewables on military bases, block crude oil exports or even suspend offshore drilling, though that would require compensation to the owners. Though the law limits emergency declarations to one year, it could be renewed annually to address the increasingly troubling impacts of climate change.

Will you give up fossil fuels due to summer of 2023?! AP: A hot summer prompted Michael Mann to ask: ‘How on God’s Earth are we still burning fossil fuels after witnessing all this?’

It’s Official! Climate PSYOP replaces COVID PSYOP – Global ‘boiling’ replaces ‘warming’ – NYT declares end of vacations

The latest news round-up in the Wacky World of Climate

CNN commentary: ‘Vacations as we know it are over’ due to ‘climate change’ – ‘Holidays abroad need to be decoupled from flying’

CNN July 27, 2023 commentary by University College London Emeritus Prof. Bill McGuire: “Maybe we should take a lesson from the pandemic, when staycations were pretty much enforced…Vacations need to return to their roots, or at least move in that direction. In particular, holidays abroad need to be decoupled from flying, which means- as far as Europe is concerned- train, car or coach.
The familiarity and convenience of being close to home can bring its own contentment, comfort and well-being…What’s more, we’ll be able sunbathe in the warm glow of knowing we have slashed the size of our carbon footprint- making us part of the solution rather than the problem.”

China Abandons Paris Agreement, Making U.S. Efforts Even More Painful & Pointless

President Xi Jinping reiterated that his country would set its own path on the issue and not be influenced by outside factors, according to the¬†Washington Post and Bloomberg. This contradicts Xi’s 2015 Paris Agreement pledges to reduce its carbon emissions at the latest after 2030. Xi’s remarks came while climate envoy and former secretary of state John Kerry was visiting Beijing to reopen a dialogue. This was shortly after Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived, and just before former secretary of state Henry Kissinger, the architect of opening China to the West 50 years ago, came for a visit.
The clear signals from China are a deliberate slap in the face to America and provide a rationale for a bill sponsored by Representative Chip Roy (R., Texas) to defund Kerry’s climate-change office at the State Department. The bill is cosponsored by over two dozen other House Republicans.

California partnering with Chinese province to ‘fight climate change’ – ‘Accelerating zero-emission vehicles’ & ‘carbon neutrality plans’

Boston mayor bans ‘fossil fuels’ in new city-owned buildings to advance ‘racial & economic justice’

SHINING LIGHT ON THE CLIMATE OF MANIPULATION: ‘Climate justice movement is a manufactured one, created by the billionaire class as a <acronym title="Google Page Ranking"><acronym title="Google Page Ranking"><acronym title="Google Page Ranking">PR</acronym></acronym></acronym> tool that will enable them to raid the public purse’

Paul Cudenec: In short, it is absolutely clear that the‚”climate justice‚” movement is a manufactured one, created by the billionaire class as a P.R. tool that will enable them to raid the public purse, under the pretext of a climate ‚”emergency”, and channel trillions of dollars into their own pockets. In reality, the public and private are not separate entities, but one and the same thing. Thanks to countless decades of systematic corruption, private interests have entirely taken control of all the major public institutions, national and international. Because this corruption cannot be admitted to the public, the notion of a ‚”partnership” is used to explain away the fact that these two facets of the same entity are pursuing exactly the same agenda.
The world is currently in the hands of what is nothing less than a psychopathic death cult, whereas our resistance is a force for life.

Watch: Morano on Jesse Kelly TV Show on Hawaiian fire tragedy: ‘It’s much easier to blame ‘climate change’ then they have momentum to declare a National Climate Emergency’

I’m Right w/ Jessy Kelly. – The First TV – Broadcast 17, 2023

Morano on Hawaiin fire tragedy: “This happened because of human error all throughout the state — but it’s much easier to blame ‘climate change’ — then they have momentum now to declare a National Climate emergency. If they do declare that, Joe Biden gets 130 new executive powers, which would extend to Mayors and governors, and what a better way to ‘build Back Better’ in Hawaii? They believe that at least some good will come from the fires if we can declare a National Climate Emergency and we can then essentially bypass democracy again like we did in Covid with all these new restrictions.”

Watch: Morano on OAN TV warns of COVID-like ‘Climate Emergency’ declaration powers Biden could employ to bypass democracy

One America News TV – Real America w/ Dan Ball – Broadcast August 10, 2023

Watch: Morano on Real America’s Voice TV: ‘Climate lockdowns are NOT a conspiracy’ – ‘This is the here & now, not theoretical or in the future’

Stinchfield Tonight – Real America’s Voice TV – Broadcast August 8, 2023 – Morano: “To stop this dystopian vision, it means the American people have to fight this agenda. This is the greatest con they’re imposing on us, telling us we have to give up gas stoves and pizza ovens and even Mayor Bloomberg had a report a few years ago saying we can only allow three new articles of clothing per person per year by 2030 because of the carbon footprint of clothing. This is real; it’s happening. People who say climate lockdowns are a conspiracy haven’t looked at France, which actually banned two-and-a-half-hour flights or less to save the climate. The EU is looking at six-hour bans. This is the here and now, not theoretical or in the future.”

Watch: Morano on Newsmax TV talking Energy Sec. Granholm profiting off green energy push

Broadcast August 8, 2023 – Newsmax TV – Eric Bolling – The Balance

Listen: Morano on DC’s WMAL on debunks ‘global boiling’, end of ‘summer vacations’ & explains the weaponization of the weather –

Listen: Morano on Joe Piscopo Show on NYT vs. LA Times in battle of bicoastal elites over AC in your home vs. community ‘cooling centers’ – ‘We have not seen battle like this since the 1990s when the East Coast Rappers battled the West Coast Rappers’

Broadcast August 9, 2023 – Morano: “”You have the New York Times telling us we can’t travel anymore because our air conditioning has made the earth so uninhabitable that now we’re forced to stay home and huddle around the air conditioner. See: NYT: More people will find themselves confronting personal and increasingly tough decisions and, like Ms. Barber, perhaps choosing a less appealing but more comfortable option: ‘We just all stayed home and huddled in a room with the air-conditioner on,’ she said.””
But, this is now a battle between the bicoastal elites. The LA Times is telling people they can’t stay home huddled around their air conditioner because you can’t have individual air conditioning in your home. You got to go to community ‘cooling centers’, which government will provide public transportation to and from. See: LA Times: Instead of air conditioning running in your home during heatwaves, the LA Times interviews experts suggesting “investing in a wider network of cooling centers, with transportation to help people get there.”
The New York Times vs. the La Times in a battle of bicoastal elites. This is like the old rappers’ battle from the 1990s. The East Coast Rappers versus the West Coast Rappers. I think the LA Times is going to win this battle because the idea of having a cooling center and no air conditioning in your home seems to be the future- they’re controlling our thermostats as they did in Colorado last summer.
Joe Piscopo: Marc, I love this man. I want to stay with you on this because we appreciate you speaking the truth. And I want to get to your book The Great Reset. You got to read the Great Reset from Marc Morano.

Watch: Morano on Fox & Friends – The climate ‘psychological operation’ is beginning – NYT claiming vacations are a thing of the past due to climate is an attempt to restrict ‘freedom of movement’

Fox and Friends – Fox News Channel – Broadcast August 6, 2023

Morano: “This is the COVID PSYOP ending and the climate PSYOP beginning. This is the New York Times signaling that the ruling class is telling us that vacations are now a thing of the past. They’re trying to set our mindset to give up on vacations. And they’re giving up our freedom of movement…What the New York Times is claiming is that somehow people have to stay home, and it is literally in the article suggesting people need to huddle around their air conditioners at home because the weather is too extreme — because our previous travel has made the earth uninhabitable. this is insane, unscientific, silly.”

Watch: Morano on OAN TV rips UN’s ‘global boiling’ claims – ‘Hot tub’ ocean temperature claim was so ’embarrassingly’ unscientific ‘that even NBC News’ had to back away from it

One America TV In Focus w/ Alison Steinberg – Broadcast August 1, 2023

Watch: Morano on Canadian Bitcoiners Show – Talks The Great Reset, CBDCs & Climate Change

Watch: Morano debunks Media Hysteria on heatwaves & ‘Global BOILING’ – O’Connor Tonight

Watch: Morano on Rebel TV explains how arson is ignored while blaming wildfires on ‘climate change’

Broadcast July 31, 2023 – Rebel TV – Ezra Levant Show
Marc told Ezra that the same principles that apply to making people think they’ll win money at a casino or in the lottery are being used to sell climate hysteria:
Morano: “”I call it the ‘casino effect’. You walk in a casino, and you see a wall of slot machine winners. There’s a $10,000 winner, there’s a $100,000 winner – look that person won $300,000. [And you think to yourself], I’ve got to play the slots, everyone’s winning. It gives you the impression that everywhere, they’re paying out huge sums and you’ve got to play because you’re going to be a winner too.Your chances of winning the lottery are very low. The chance of someone somewhere winning the lottery is very high.
So what they do with wildfires, and all extreme weather, is they highlight every single event to show you this is some kind of unprecedented record-breaking event and they combine them all over. You can always find a lottery winner, you can always find a slot machine winner, and they put (extreme weather stories) together on the nightly news and the corporate media and they run with it as though it’s unprecedented- it’s not.””

Watch: Morano’s presentation at FreedomFest on Great Food Reset

Listen: Morano Debunks ‘Global Boiling’ Hysteria

Bernie Sanders continues to rail against fossil fuels, insists all nations phase out reliance

Climate Depot founder Marc Morano, who criticized Sanders’ op-ed for piling on to the seemingly endless outcries of climate change. “Every day we wake up and find some new unelected bureaucrat is seeking to ban something to save the climate,” Morano said. “Every day we’re bombarded with unscientific claims of how the Earth is in some kind of unprecedented meltdown as every politician yammers on about the alleged ‘climate crisis’.”
“This is nothing more than a shakedown,” Morano told Just the News. “Sen. Sanders is proposing politicians and Attorney Generals have the ability to blame every bad weather event on fossil fuel companies and extort them for huge sums of money, which, then, the politicians can use to help get themselves reelected and fill the government coffers.”
“Make no mistake: Allowing Senator Sanders and Democrats to get huge checks from fossil fuel companies will not in any way change the weather or the climate, but it will make a lot of climate activists and bureaucrats richer,” he added.

Watch: Morano on Fox News w/ Jesse Watters on how arsonists are responsible for ‘climate’ wildfires – Not ‘climate change’ – ‘There are other forces at work’

Wash Post laments using your AC in summertime causes a ‘vicious cycle’ that creates more CO2 emissions which lead to more heatwaves

‘This is literally beyond a parody’ – Watch: Morano Newsmax TV talks Biden climate agenda’s efforts to restrict generators, gas stoves, appliances, meat, & even ice cubes!

Watch: Morano’s 1-hour Updated Great Reset & Climate Lockdown Speech – ‘This is the Sovietization of America to meet climate compliance rules!’ – Presented in person in Tucson Arizona

Watch: Fox host Stuart Varney challenges Morano over heatwave-climate link

Don’t Listen to him! Schwarzenegger Came to DC to Talk Climate With GOP’s McCarthy & White House – ‘Gave tips on climate change messaging’ – Morano responds

Watch: Morano on Fox & Friends on climate activists blocking airports: ‘The scary thing is the governments have been listening to these protesters’ – Climate regs are ‘rationing’ plane & vehicle travel

Watch: Morano on Fox on Kerry’s ‘Bill Clinton-level word parsing’ on private jets & how Gas car bans are intentionally creating vehicle shortages to force us into mass transit

Climate Depot – A project of CFACT