Deanna Spingola
November 27, 2010

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf (CFR) is a member of the World Economic Forum’s Council of 100, an organization composed of business, political, religious, media and opinion leaders that advocates openness and understanding between the West and Muslim world. [1] Rauf is also a member of the CFR’s Religious Advisory Committee, along with Jim Wallis, publisher of Sojourners. He has been an imam in New York City for twenty-seven years. The building project, the Cordoba House, a 13-story, $100 million project, is planned as a community center complete with a swimming pool, culinary school, art studios and other features. It is to be built on properly zoned, private property two blocks from ground zero. The city Landmarks Preservation Commission approved of the construction. However, the American Center for Law and Justice, founded by Reverend Pat Robertson, filed a lawsuit in a state court to dispute the commission’s decision. They could have built the facility, like any other private group, on private property, without public scrutiny. The media has driven this issue and incited anger.

Insiders organized the Freedom House, previously mentioned in this series, in 1941 to promote World War II. They are still propagandizing. William Howard Taft IV (S&B, PNAC) [2] is its current chairman. It is an international non-governmental organization that endorses a one-world government and opposes all nationalist governments. It has offices in offices in Algeria, Hungary, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico, Uzbekistan, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Ukraine. Taft supports the Law of the Sea which places all of the oceans under the jurisdiction of the UN. Since 1941, the group has developed ties to the CIA, the Brookings Institution, the U.S. Institute of Peace and other institutions and government agencies. Freedom House, a propaganda vehicle, is also a front group for the CFR, the British counterpart of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. In 2005 Freedom House was receiving U.S. government funds “for clandestine activities inside Iran.â€