Welcome to Secular Relativist Hell

By Stephen Kruiser Jun 15, 2022 4:32 PM ET

It is not the least bit hyperbolic here in the year of our Lord 2022 to aver that the United States has lost its way. Fingers of blame are pointed in so many directions that the casual observer could think it’s impossible to say that just one or two things are the root of our present national malaise.

Well, I’m not a casual observer and have no problem saying that this country’s woes can be traced to the abandonment of God and moral absolutes for the false comfort of secular relativism.

This isn’t something that I just thought of when I woke up this morning, it’s a conversation I often have with friends and colleagues. This past weekend, one of my closest friends and I talked at length about it, and I figured that it was time to write something.

It is important to note up front that I am in no way positing that all people of faith are good people or that all secular non-believers are bad. Far from it. I’m just saying that things tended to be better when there was some sort of moral compass involved, even if there was disagreement on the particular brand of compass.

While I am not given to quoting Bible verses to make a point, there is one that pertains to what I’m trying to say here. The last few chapters of the Book of Judges in the Old Testament are filled with tales of wholesale slaughter and cruelty. It’s truly gruesome stuff, even by OT standards. The final verse of Judges says, “In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did what was right in his own eyes.”

At least we know that moral relativism isn’t new.

We need look no further than the abortion issue to see the perils of tossing all morality out of the window. Secular relativists have powers of rationalization that enable them to come to any conclusion they want. They begin by convincing themselves that the life that abortion terminates isn’t really a life. To reach that conclusion, one has to completely dismiss biology. Anyone taking this interior trip is then on the slipperiest of all slippery slopes.

After that, it’s easy to condone violence against anyone who doesn’t agree with you on the issue. After all, every man doing “what is right in his own eyes” sees his right as the highest good. That makes it easy to justify any means to defend it.

It’s a “chicken or the egg” situation when trying to determine whether individuals or institutions led the charge to secular relativism. I tend to think it was the former, who had too much influence on the latter.

Like Academia.

A fringe contingent of ivory tower commies on college campuses has polluted countless American institutions with its godless secular lunacy over the last half-century, and there may be no coming back from it. Academics hold so much sway over mainstream media outlets that journalism has been all but abandoned. That’s why The New York Times felt comfortable burying the story of the attempted assassination of Justice Brett Kavanaugh in a part of the paper generally devoted to complaining about city council lunch expenditures.
