By Greg Evensen

May 7, 2011

Historically, a treasured home, town square, monuments or even grand houses of worship, all begin with a dream or vision of the finished structure and a huge amount of manual labor to see it through to completion. In many cases, these works of art and architecture have replaced an antiquated edifice that has served its purpose admirably, and is now being remembered fondly, but is gone to make room for an even better place to conduct the family’s business and to make new and better memories for generations yet unborn.

This rather idealized version of what our country is going through right now also includes some dark and sinister issues that only the bravest among us can endure to face squarely, and to tear down the destructive elements that have severely injured the ability of the inhabitants to continue to live within its walls. Thus, in an illustrative nutshell, this is the current dire state we find ourselves confronted with in America today.

I love my country AND its form of government. It is the corrupted, vile, people who have grown obese on our labors to enrich themselves and destroy the destiny of freedom loving citizens and patriots within the government that I detest.

If for no other reason, this new effort called, “The Sword and the Shieldâ€