Liz Cheney: Americans Who Tortured Detainees Are ‘Heroes’ And ‘Patriots’

August 4, 2014

Last night, the Hannity show “analyzed” President Obama’s comments characterizing the CIA’s “enhanced interrogation” program under the Bush/Cheney administration as “torture.” So whom did Fox call on for some of its typically “fair and balanced” commentary? Why, none other than Dick Cheney’s daughter, Liz Cheney. There were no pesky challenges from substitute host Monica Crowley, either. Apparently, the brief clip of Obama saying, “We tortured some folks. …We did some things that were contrary to our values,” was so weighty that Fox thought five and a half minutes of Cheney was “balance.”
The warm “Hi,” Crowley gave Cheney at the beginning was just about all you needed to know about what was to come. But there were a few particulars worth noting, such as Cheney’s attempt to deflect and put all the blame on Obama for calling her father’s program “torture.” She never once defended a single practice nor explained how it “kept us safe.”

You know, Monica, this president is an utter disgrace. He’s got a situation where, as your last two reports showed, you’ve got crises erupting around the world and he is expending more time, more energy, more passion, more aggressive activity in targeting and going after patriots, heroes, CIA officers and others who kept us safe after 9/11. He’s lying about what they did, he’s slandering them. He went to Cairo and did it in 2009. Today, he did it from the podium of the Oval Office. It’s a disgrace. It’s despicable.

Col. Morris Davis @ColMorrisDavis Follow
Referencing torture isn't worse than committing it @maddow @Liz_Cheney spends holidays w/America's "utter disgrace."
5:46 AM - 4 Aug 2014 Virginia, USA, United States

Liz Cheney: Americans Who Tortured Detainees Are ‘Heroes’ And ‘Patriots’ [continued]