WH press secretary demands meeting to complain about article

By The Scribe
September 16, 2010 1:55 PM

In a blatant attempt to intimidate Forbes magazine Robert Gibbs has demanded a meeting to protest publication of a Dinesh D'Souza article entitled 'How Obama Thinks.' http://www.forbes.com/forbes/2010/0927/ ... oblem.html

"It's a stunning thing, to see a publication you would see in a dentist's office, so lacking in truth and fact," White House press secretary Robert Gibbs says in an interview. "I think it represents a new low."

Gibbs is meeting with Thursday afternoon with Forbes's Washington bureau chief, Brian Wingfield, to discuss his objections. "Did they not fact-check this at all, or did they fact-check it and just willfully ignore it?" he asks.

Read more from Howard Kurtz... http://voices.washingtonpost.com/howard ... l_polalert

Aside from the audacity of a government attempt to control free speech this is really amateur hour for the White House. Calling attention to the article will assure that many more people will read it and send circulation through the roof for Forbes. It's a sure sign that D'Souza got to close to the truth for White House comfort.

It's a long article but presents a very plausible theory of what makes Obama tick. Don't miss it. http://www.forbes.com/forbes/2010/0927/ ... oblem.html

http://www.gopusa.com/fresh-ink/2010/09 ... z0ziYqzK58