So we got some interesting figures yesterday regarding the drop in illegal immigration from Mexico over the past seven years. You can read the article here.

For first time since Depression, more Mexicans leave U.S. than enter - The Washington Post

According to the graph, the downward trend began around 2005 and continued up to 2010. So this happened on President Bush's and Obama's watch. Did either President do anything special? Or was it simply due to changing times. I say it's the latter.

In Mexico, the old tradition of having many children is disappearing mainly due in part to the liberalization of society, which a good thing. Birth control is more widely accepted now then it was 50 years ago despite the fact that Mexico is mainly a Catholic nation, another good thing. Less children growing up living in poverty means less future immigrants to the U.S.. The young Mexican adults of today are more educated then their parents and grand-parents and with access to the Internet it's only helping to fuel to liberalization of Mexico's social culture and bringing it in tune with Western societal norms . Mexico has already legalized gay marriage in its capital, so it is moving into modern times albeit slowly. The young social liberals are winning the battle against the dying social conservative generation. I would hope the acceptance of Atheism as perfectly normal behavior will follow.

So back to immigration. According to a professor, we will never see the immigration levels we saw in the 80s and 90s from Mexico ever again. That is unless something catastrophic were to happen to Mexico's economy and the U.S. were to somehow rebound to pre-08 levels in less than the predicted 10 years.

The next wave of immigration will probably occur from actual extraterrestrial life, if we haven't already left this planet by then