When All Else Fails, Accuse Opponents of Being Racists

Posted by Bobby Eberle
December 8, 2009 at 9:09 am

The goals of Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and others on the far left are so far out of the mainstream, it is impossible for them to win an argument based on the facts. There is no economic, military, or social situation that can be solved with a radical move toward socialism. I'm sure they know this and push their agenda anyway. The alternative is that they are all just stupid.

The problem occurs in that they feel they MUST advance their agenda. Because they can't win a straight-up debate, they move to their classic tactic of trying to discredit their opponents. The idea is that people won't listen to someone's ideas if they think that person is the bad guy. Their trump card of all trump cards is the race card, and on Monday, Harry Reid played it with full force.

Remember during the course of the immigration debate? If you were not in favor of granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, you were a racist. If you favored the rule of law rather that rewarding illegal behavior, you were a racist.

The tactic is wearing thin, and Obama pretty much wore it out. When soldiers are killed in Ft. Hood by a radical Muslim, Obama says not to jump to conclusions. Yet, when a white police officer arrests a black supporter of Obama, Obama says the police "acted stupidly." He said this without knowing any of the facts.

Now, we have the health care bill... a bill that with each passing day loses more support by the American people. The Democrats are desperate, and Harry Reid cracked.

Sen. Reid Compares Obamacare Opponents to Supporters of Slavery

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJwLQnTj ... r_embedded

As noted in the report on FOXNews.com, "Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid took his GOP-blasting rhetoric to a new level Monday, comparing Republicans who oppose health care reform to lawmakers who clung to the institution of slavery more than a century ago."

The Nevada Democrat, in a sweeping set of accusations on the Senate floor, also compared health care foes to those who opposed women's suffrage and the civil rights movement -- even though it was Sen. Strom Thurmond, then a Democrat, who unsuccessfully tried to filibuster the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and it was Republicans who led the charge against slavery.

The Republican National Committee issued a statement saying that Reid "wandered far out of bounds with his absurd and offensive comments."

Reid has now compared his quest to pass the Obama-Pelosi government takeover of health care to the effort to end slavery. This is inexcusable, deeply insulting and an arrogant abuse of the Democrat party's unchecked power in Congress. This is an elected official saying anything, doing anything, running roughshod over any citizen who opposes his left-wing effort to jam big-government run health care down our throats.

Harry Reid is under immense pressure to pass this 2,000 page experiment on our nation's health - an experiment that creates a new $1 trillion dollar federal entitlement program by cutting $500 billion from Medicare, all at a time when our country is in miserable debt and facing an extreme job crisis. The pressure has apparently led Senator Reid not only to make offensive and absurd statements, but also to lose his ability to reason.

ABC News' Bottom Line Blog reprinted the response by Harry Reid's office to calls from Republicans to apologize. The statement is from Reid spokesman Jim Manley who said, "It is hard to believe Senate Republicans are making these charges with a straight face."

For the past eight days they've done nothing but obstruct health care on the Senate floor and throughout this year have played politics with this and virtually every other issue of importance to the American people.

Today's feigned outrage is nothing but a ploy to distract from the fact they have no plan to lower the cost of health care, stop insurance company abuses or protect Medicare.

A ploy to distract? That's all the Democrats know how to do. Outrageous comments like this should be shared with all Americans so they can see exactly what is going on. The health care bill costs too much, takes control away from people and puts it into the hands of government, and does not address one of the prime reasons for high costs: runaway medical lawsuits.

Stop with the slavery rhetoric. It's old, tired, and worn out. Much like Harry Reid.
