Who are the Educational ‘Experts’ Controlling Our Schools?

posted on September 4, 2012 by Karen Schroeder

Although college professor Noel Ignatieve has issued a call to abolish the white race, he is one of many anti-American professors who prepare college students to become teachers. In 1950, William Buckley, Jr. published God and Man at Yale to warn the public about philosophical agendas that would change the purpose of our educational system. Who are these people who influence teachers and students?
Despite organizing Marxist discussion groups, being arrested for throwing paint bombs, and lacking credentials, Noel Ignatieve was accepted by Harvard into the Graduate School of Education. He became a Harvard faculty member, joined the Communist Party USA, formed the Provisional Organizing Committee to Reconstitute the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party (POC), and became involved in Students for a Democratic Society. He became part of the Maoist New Communist Movement before becoming a professor at the Massachusetts College of Art. He is the co-founder and co-editor of the journal Race Traitor which displays the motto, “treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.”
Another is Howard Zinn (1922– 2010), a “progressive” American historian and social activist. During his tenure as a political science professor at Boston University, he wrote A People’s History of the United States to depict the struggles of Native Americans and African Americans against their oppressors, the American colonists. His goal was to “rewrite history books to eliminate the oppressors and to honor the champions of equality and justice.” The book takes a stand against European and US conquests and expansion, capitalists, and capitalism.
These ideologies are shared by a significant number of professors including William Ayers and Cathy Wilkerson who were Weather Underground members and by Marxist professors Eric Gutstein, David Michael Smith, and Jeanne Lorentzen.
Mara Sapon-Shevin, professor of inclusion education at Syracuse University, refused to place her daughter in a gifted education program because “I would never have wanted to raise a child who thought that she was better or smarter than other people.” Is there any wonder that our students are not excelling academically?

Many are concerned that anti-American philosophy occurs in the new standards for social studies curricula and in textbooks used across the US. Policies that were touted as essential to promote tolerance now infiltrate colleges with anti-American staff and agendas to silence opposing views. Ward Connolly, Carol Swain, and Mason Weaver are conservative blacks who have been shouted down and robbed of their first amendment rights by college students who did not believe tolerance should be granted to conservative views.
Either Americans continue surrendering their children and tax dollars to the perpetuation of anti-American educational programs that destroy their republic and their freedoms, or Americans will demand that the federal government get out of education and return funding to local governments. Citizens must insist that pro-American standards are supported by all professors and curricula, that college professors provide full resumes, and that lists of required reading materials be supplied for each course so that students, alumni and contributors know exactly what their contributions are supporting.
Karen Schroeder is the President of Advocates for Academic Freedom (AAF) which is a proponent for a return to fact-based curricula, accountability, and academic excellent in public education.
Karen can be reached at kpfschroeder@centurylink.net or by calling 715–234–5072.

Read more: Who are the Educational