Unhappy People are:

The Gays twice, the anti-gay minister at his inauguration and now on KEEPING "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

The White Men, with his agreement with Racist Sotomayor.

The Jews because of his PLANS for Israel.

The Military from classifying the returning Vets, Domestic Terrorists.

People he lied to and said he would close Gitmo! LOL

People he promised that he would bring the troops hom. Now we have more than George had there! LOL

The Cops for calling them stupid and insinuating they are all Racist if they are not Black.

The Illegal's, for his not being able to ram AMNESTY up our asses ... YET!

The Doctors for purposely trying to ruin their profession.

The Blacks who see thru him.

The insurance Agents he has plans to sink.

The Farmers for his communist Bill to make home gardening a crime.

The Liberals when he loses Cap & Trade too!

The fat people because of his upcoming plans for food rationing so other countries can have our food!

The Car Dealerships around the country that he FORCED to close!

The elderly because he wants them to take a pain pill and just die after he has people council them???

The investors that he stole all the money from and gave it to the CORRUPT Unions! (SEIU)

Hopefully he has pissed off MANY OBAMA VOTERS!


Happy people are:

Women on heavy Depression Meds.

Men on Viagra.

Terrorist Countries, for him putting a Welcome Mat out to them..

His Loyal Blacks, like ACORN workers.


Ford! People want to buy auto's from them and NOT Government Motors.

Illegal immigrants that are sucking our welfare systems dry, and closing our schools, our prisons, and our hospitals.

Domestic Muslim Terrorists, for Janet Napolitano wanting to take America and it's Culture away from anyone White.

Wall Street Crooks that got away with it.

The Banks that kept all the Stimulus money.

The crooks in Congress that get to keep their jobs.

The murderers and Rapists that are being let out of prisons all over America.

Hummmmmmmm, any I missed?