Inside Scoop: Shot Down Black-Op Seals Won't Be Talking Now

Saturday, August 06, 2011 3:51

by Julius Sequerra

31 American military personnel were killed when the Boeing Chinook helicopter in which they were flying crashed in Afghanistan.

Of the thirty-one killed, twenty were members of SEAL Team 6.

More importantly, I’ve been reliably informed (by a retired Colonel, US Army intel) that these very same operatives were the men who allegedly killed Usama bin Laden recently in Abbottabad. [NB: Seal Team 6 is an ultra-elite group of "black" operatives who exist outside military protocol, engage in operations that are at the highest level of classification, and often outside the bounds of international law.]

The official story is that the Taliban shot down the chopper. I have my doubts (as do many others far more savvy than yours truly).

[Remember Pat Tillman, the Pro Football star who forsook a megabuck contract and volunteered to go fight in Afghanistan in the heat of the post-9/11 patriotic frenzy? The official story is that Tillman was killed in a friendly-fire incident. According to reports from several US military personnel (a few of whom I know), Pat Tillman was assassinated by his own government. Reportedly, Tillman, the quintessential poster-boy for military recruitment, was waking up to the 9/11 lie, and was beginning to get a little too loose-lipped for his own good. Word traveled up the chain fast. Three bullets to the head fired at close range killed him. Friendly-fire indeed.]

"We are never deceived; we deceive ourselves." - Goethe

Usama’s “recent deathâ€