Whoopi Goldberg thinks Communism is a “great concept” and “makes perfect sense.” Why not, after all? She hasn’t been in a concentration camp; and none of her family has been there. Her houses and her bank accounts haven’t been confiscated. She hasn’t been reduced to wait at long lines for a piece of bread. (Although, I admit, it may help her a bit.) She hasn’t been forced to grovel before Party officials to get a job to feed her family. She can actually have her own business and her own investments and her servants and even her cars!

So why not try Communism? It can’t be that bad. After all, Whoopi doesn’t need to read all the testimonies of those that have been through it. Who would want to know what these people have been through? All that matters is that it sounds like a great idea. To Whoopi.

This is the greatness of America and of the free market capitalism: a person can be the stupidest fool on the planet, but as long as they have talent in one thing, and they are industrious and entrepreneurial to make the effort to apply themselves to work, they will become rich and famous.

The only problem is, of course, that when they become rich and famous, they are invited to give interviews where they can show their foolishness.

I can live with that. As long as there is liberty, I can ignore the fools. I couldn’t under Communism.

What would happen to Whoopi under the “great concept” of Communism? We can tell from the story of an American actor and singer who also believed that Communism was a “great concept”: Dean Reed. As talented as he was, Reed was a fool. He hated the capitalist West with its freedoms, and he loved Communism. Eventually, at the age of 36, he moved to East Germany, and offered his talent to the service of the Communist masters of that nation.

He was quite privileged, compared to most of us. He had a spacious apartment, generous income, he could travel freely around the world. He was free to make movies and concerts, all financed by the money of the Communist government. He had more than anyone in Eastern Europe could have; except, of course, the Party elite. Dean Reed must have been very happy to live in his newly found paradise.

It took 13 years for Reed to grasp the reality. Or, rather, to act on it. In 1986 he committed suicide. So much for the “great concept.”

It’s not too late for Whoopi. No, I don’t wish her what happened to Reed; far from me to wish Communism even to my worse enemy. But she can still move to North Korea if she is so inclined. They’ll be happy to accommodate her there, oh yes.

But she should read Reed’s biography before she goes there. It may save her life. And cure her from her foolishness too.

Read more: Whoopi Goldberg Wants Communism | Godfather Politics http://godfatherpolitics.com/2742/wh...#ixzz1hHjXFHyg
