Because she has more balls than anyone else in politics! You Go Girl!!!

She took on big oil in Alaska and WON! She took on her own party when she was Mayor and Governor. People went to jail and many were fired. THAT was the first thing she did.You know anyone else that's done that? She is tough. Unlike Our Dear Leader, she has successes in her past.

What a difference in her speeches now and the campaign ones. She is UNLEACHED!

I hope you catch some of it because she has set the Liberals off! OMG!!
The stuff she said. She said it bluntly with no fluff. She reamed Obama!


I can't wait to see the drool coming out of the MSM's shows tomorrow, that's ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC. I'm anxious to see how they spin it into something stupid and evil. Or maybe her outfit? They have no grounds to say ANYTHING negative about what she said, except she hammered them and they are sore.

Thankfully she said that the Tea Party needs no leader. A leader, IMHO, will sink it and we will lose the power we have now.

Memberships are going to explode within the Tea Party now. People are sick of what's going on in Washington. Some people need to got to jail. For Real. We have Chicago Politics in our Whitehouse and it is dangerous in many ways and not just national security.

You want things to change? DO SOMETHING!!!

Help take back America.


Sorry about the rant but I don't have many exciting days. LOL