Today in the mail I received a newsletter from the school district. They were kind enough to show the demographics. Here is the picture I took. Sorry, the camera on my phone isn't that great.

As you can see, the Hispanic (which they mean illegals, because of the increasing ESL programs and FREE everything if you are the child of a "migrant worker" as the form I had to sign calls it) has been steadily increasing.

Now lets look at the enrollment numbers and compare it to the demographic chart above.

The enrollment has increased by 8496 students from 2003/04 until now. If you look at the chart, the number of white students decreased by at least 2% each year whose parents paid taxes to support the district, and are being replaced by illegal non-English speaking kids with parents that do not pay into the system.

For the first time, they are now dealing with a budget problem. Instead of hiring more teachers every year, they will have to start laying off, even though the student numbers are increasing. As the taxpaying citizens leave because our taxes are increasing, the non-taxpayers invaded and have taken advantage of the district, which has caused their budget problem. They will refuse to see this of course