'Why would the Senate take up precious time in the lame duck session considering a food safety bill?'
December 02, 2010

Democrats give one more big favor to George Soros

Ed Lasky

While Congressional Democrats dawdle away on deciding our tax rates and refuse to pass a budget, they still find time to pass on favors to special interest groups and people. The latest big favor comes to the sugar daddy that has funded so many of their campaigns and was an early supporter of Barack Obama: George Soros.

From our friends at Investors Business Daily: http://www.investors.com/NewsAndAnalysi ... 462&p=2%20:

A questionable food safety bill in search of a crisis passed the Senate, but may hit a snag in the House. This power grab of the nation's food supply may end up benefiting a certain Hungarian billionaire.

Why would the Senate take up precious time in the lame duck session considering a food safety bill?

The editorial continues discussing the process of how a bill becomes a law - at least the part we see. But the devil - and I mean the devil - is in the details and what happens behind the scenes. There has not been much transparency as we were promised and kudos to the staff at Investors business Daily for following the bread crumbs back to Soros.

One interesting feature of the bill is a bunch of new regulations regarding seeds and seed cleaning that requires expensive equipment. Smaller concerns might not be able to handle the added burden, concentrating the handling of seed production in the hands of corporate giants like Monsanto.

Curiously, George Soros' hedge fund has just bought 897,813 shares (valued at $312.6 million) of Monsanto. His hand seems to be in anything that weakens individual freedom and destabilizes currencies and free governments, and makes him money in the process.

(Monsanto has been a dog of a stock for a while, continually disappointing investors and facing lawsuits and foreign government challenging its patents involving food technology. Hence, a tempting opportunity for a hedge fund billionaire who can "persuade" his political friends to tilt the playing field his way.)

George Soros is a puppet-master who controls Democrats-tugging on this string, pulling on that one while puppet politicians do his dance.

This is certainly not the first time he has manipulated his "friends" in the Democratic party to do his bidding.

He has been active in the energy field. For example, see my column "Cheap Natural Gas and Its Enemies" http://www.americanthinker.com/2010/02/ ... _demo.html regarding how Soros, his allies, and the Democrats have tried to frustrate the development of our own domestic energy supplies-among them vast reserves of cheap shale gas-to enrich green schemers that happen to include Mr. Soros himself).

http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/201 ... ig_fa.html