WikiLeaks cables reveal how US manipulated climate accord, World Held Hostage to False Climate Science

WikiLeaks And Claim Of Warmest Year On Record, Expose Climate Criminality

By Dr. Tim Ball
Monday, December 6, 2010

Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive!- Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832)

Question; How and why can a year be claimed as the warmest on record two months before it is over? Answer: To help participants in Cancun Climate Conference desperate because the public don’t believe, funding and power is being lost, as their deceptions are exposed.

Most believe 2010 is the warmest year ever, which is what government weather agencies, proponents of anthropogenic global warming and their supporters want. What is actually claimed is that 2010 is on the way to being the warmest on record, but they know media headlines will distort and USA Today along with others obliges with; 2010: Warmest year on record

Distortion and deception became necessary to support the collapsing exploitation of climate science (Figure 1) faced by all enjoying the warmth of Cancun Mexico while attending the Conference of the Parties (COP) 16 climate meeting. The paradox of record cold wasn’t lost on the public.

Figure 1: Sources: Left and Right

The Same Messengers and The Same Old Gang Of Deceivers
Who is making the claim about warmest year while record cold reinforces public cynicism? It’s the same old cast of deceivers identified by BBC reporter Richard Black, who Michael Mann considered reliable. He’s the person they asked to silence BBC reporter Paul Hudson when he produced a skeptical article. Hudson was first recipient of the leaked CRU emails, but did nothing, apparently intimidated by Black.

Black reports; “Temperatures reached record levels in several regions during 2010, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) says, confirming the year is likely to be among the warmest three on record.â€