Wyoming Governor Calls for 10th Amendment Resolution

The Tenth Amendment Center
July 29, 2009

Wyoming Governor Dave Freudenthal today transmitted the following memorandum and proposed resolution on state sovereignty to the Wyoming Legislature’s Management Council.

(h/t Mike Johnson, EverythingCody.com)

Freudenthal, a Democrat, was previously a US attorney for the Clinton administration, and is currently serving his 2nd term as Governor of Wyoming. He endorsed Barack Obama for president and is commonly referred to as one of the most popular governors in the country.


To: Management Council Members

From: Dave Freudenthal, Governor

Date: July 28, 2009

Re: Sovereignty Resolution

As you know, individual states have been adopting Sovereignty Resolutions over the past few years. Such resolutions have been considered by the Wyoming Legislature over the years as well. Representative Illoway is working on one for this session.

The attached version expands slightly on the versions currently circulating. The resolution includes a list of specific federal laws and a reference to the idea that retaining lands in federal ownership runs afoul of the “equal footingâ€