Wyoming, Maine introduce food freedom legislation to combat S. 510
Saturday, February 05, 2011 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer
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(NaturalNews) On December 19, 2010, the U.S. Senate voted 73 - 25 to pass the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, also known as S. 510. Though the bill has not yet officially been signed into law, several states, including Wyoming and Maine, are gearing up to challenge parts or all of it with the passage of their own food freedom bills.

If you are unfamiliar with the provisions and implications of S. 510, please visit:

Rep. John Eklund (R-Cheyenne) recently reintroduced the Wyoming Food Freedom Act, according to a recent report in the Casper Star-Tribune. Though the bill is a slightly toned down version of a previous food freedom bill that died in committee, it provides some exemptions from S. 510 for homemade foods, and it represents a positive step in the right direction.

Similarly, the state of Maine has several proposed pieces of legislation that aim to target the gamut of unconstitutional federal laws, including S. 510. Rep. Aaron Libby (R-Waterboro) recently introduced the Intrastate Commerce Act before the state legislature, a bill that will nullify any and all federal laws that infringe upon the rights of Maine's citizens to produce and sell their goods within the state. This includes food items like produce grown on farms or in backyard gardens.

In fact, the issue of states' rights in general has been picking up steam in many states all across the country, as unconstitutional law after unconstitutional law continues to be "passed" by the U.S. Congress. But thanks to groups like the Tenth Amendment Center that are spreading the word about the power individual states have right now to fight back against federal tyranny, a mass awakening is beginning to sweep the nation.

Whether the issue is health care, the right to bear arms, food freedom, or even simple freedom of speech, Americans are beginning to wake up to the reality that they simply do not have to take what the federal government is dishing out. This includes unconstitutional mandates like S. 510 that illegally inhibit Americans from freely growing, buying, and selling healthy food.

To learn more about the important work taking place over at the Tenth Amendment Center in helping to restore freedom and reverse the federal takeover of the U.S., visit:

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Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/031220_food_ ... z1DBnSdXs7

http://www.naturalnews.com/031220_food_ ... Maine.html
