You Have No Idea How Really Wild This Is Going To Get

Mac Slavo
September 3rd, 2011

Economist Bob Chapman, of The International Forecaster, has long advocated precious metals as one of the few wealth preservation assets against a wave of destruction that will wipe out everything from stocks, to bonds, to the US dollar itself. In his latest interview with the Corbett Report, Chapman shares his views on what to expect over the next several months:

The Federal Reserve knows that they can’t solve the problem. They have instructions to carry this thing out as far as they can, or until the powers behind government decide to pull the plug, so to speak.

One of the things you have to notice here, and this is pure psychological warfare, and if you’re not trained in it you don’t know what these people are up to…I was trained in it…Whenever you see an attack on silver and then gold the way it was you know that there’s going to be some dreadful things going up. Those were two vicious in-your-face attacks that a high school student could have identified as manipulation…

September and October are going to be dreadful. And that’s true, they are going to be dreadful. That’s the way I stack it up. And, of course, if there’s no QE3 equivalent the whole thing’s going down the chute.

There’ll be tremendous pressure on the stock market. They’ll try to hold it up. But it’s going to go down. How deeply it’s hard to say, but somewhere on the DOW between 8500 and 10,500.

Video: Bob Chapman On QE3 / Gold / Silver September And October Are Going To Be Dreadful ... r_embedded

In addition to stocks, Chapman warns about massive manipulations in the US bond markets through organizations like the New York Federal Reserve and Merrill Lynch, as well as a continued decline in real estate:

…by the looks of it it’s [the housing market] not going to bottom out in June of 2012…It will probably take another five years. So, if you’re thinking about buying anything, don’t. Because the pressure will be to the downside on prices. The inventory is going to be somewhere – now hold on to your seat – somewhere around 8 million homes. The inventory now is about 3.5 million. That’s where we’re headed now.

As we’ve opined in End of the Real Estate Crash?, ... h_02282011 this means real estate will collapse at least another 20% to 30% from here – perhaps even more.

We warn our readers, however, that any real estate purchases should be considered a long-term hold. Don’t plan on flipping, or even selling, for years.

Japan’s real estate boom, like ours, was predicated on cheap money and finite land. Inflation adjusted, the decline over the last 20 years has been roughly 75%. That’s a big number. Humanity’s cognitive dissonance response, especially in the Realtor community, will ensure that most analysts and experts avoid telling us how bad it can really get.

While we don’t have a crystal ball, we do have history books and if the real estate markets of today are anything like that of the Great Depression, then we have much farther to go.

According to analysis performed Martin Armstrong of Princeton Economics, ... 7-2010.pdf during the Great Depression real estate prices in the farming sector fell from $2 per acre to 30 cents per acre. That’s a whopping 85% drop.

Most Americans have no idea this is coming, but it is simply impossible to ignore the (real) data, especially the forward looking data.

Even mainstream economists and financial sector insiders are now saying that we have serious problems ahead.

“I think we are heading for a market shock in September or October that will match anything we have ever seen before.â€