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  1. #1
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Gheen, Minnesota, United States

    ENDORSED: Jarome Bell for Congress, GOP Challenger, Virginia District 2

    Candidates for Congress Survey.

    Campaign Information

    Completed by: Jarome Bell on 3-3-2022
    (name) (date)

    Are you the Candidate or Campaign Manager? Candidate

    Name of Incumbent: Democrat Elaine Luria is the incumbent until November

    Name of Your Campaign: Jarome Bell For Congress

    Mailing Address: P.O. Box 6775 Virginia Beach, VA 23456

    State and District: VA-02


    Social Media Links: Facebook: Jarome Bell For Virginia GETTR: @JaromeBellForVA GAB: @JaromeBellForVA Twitter: BANNED

    Campaign Phone Number: 757-536-4157

    Political Party: Conservative Republican

    Primary challenger, General Election challenger, or incumbent? Primary Challenger: Establishment pick Jen Kiggans. Gen Election Challenger Elaine Luria

    How would you describe the immigration positions of your opponent/opponents? I ran in 2020 and ALIPAC endorsed me and stance on immigration, and it has never wavered. I’m the only one calling for an complete Immigration Moratorium.

    ALIPAC's 2022 Immigration Pledge

    If I am elected/reelected to office in 2022, I pledge to secure America's borders and to protect American lives, jobs, taxpayer resources, and elections by opposing any form of Amnesty or path to citizenship for illegal aliens while simultaneously supporting the full enforcement of America's existing immigration laws in order to deter and reverse illegal immigration in America.

    I agree that illegals should return home as our current laws state and that of the US Constitution requires elected officials to protect all states from any form of invasion.

    I have reviewed ALIPAC's collection of documentation proving we have a systematic problem of non-citizens, including many illegal immigrants, registering and voting illegally in US elections. I understand ALIPAC's concerns about Google censoring this information and I pledge to use the full power of my office to put a stop to both big-tech censorship of American voices and non-citizens perpetrating elections fraud on US soil.


    /S/ Jarome Bell 03-03-2022

    Jarome Bell's 2020 ALIPAC federal candidate survey answers (HERE)

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  2. #2
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Gheen, Minnesota, United States

    ALIPAC Endorses Jarome Bell for Congress 2022 (VA-2)

    ALIPAC Endorses Jarome Bell for Congress 2022 (VA-2)

    For National Release | March 4, 2022

    Share & Discuss this release at ALIPAC and by text, email, or social media at...

    Americans for Legal Immigration PAC is renewing our endorsement of Jarome Bell for US Congress in his newly drawn second district in Virginia because Bell is willing to take a tough stand against illegal immigration and Amnesty as most Americans desire.

    Also, Jarome Bell has been banned by Twitter and understands the threat to our Democracy/Republic posed by big tech companies like Twitter, Facebook, and Google that are swaying US elections through the use of banning, shadowbanning, and other forms of censorship aimed at non-globalists.

    Candidate Bell has signed ALIPAC's 2022 federal candidate pledge (View Here), acknowledging that he...

    "...reviewed ALIPAC's collection of documentation proving we have a systematic problem of non-citizens, including many illegal immigrants, registering and voting illegally in US elections. I understand ALIPAC's concerns about Google censoring this information and I pledge to use the full power of my office to put a stop to both big-tech censorship of American voices and non-citizens perpetrating elections fraud on US soil..."

    ALIPAC invites lawmakers, candidates, activists, and members of the media to view the collection of evidence Google is trying to hide from the nation at...

    Evidence of Non-Citizens Voting In US Elections Collection Point (View Here)

    And review the proof anyone can see with a few clicks that Google is censoring this page while Bing, Yahoo, and DuckDuckGo search engines are not engaging in the elections tampering conducted by Google aka Alphabet Inc.

    Google Result: No Result / Censored (View)
    Bing Result: Page 1, Position 1 (View)
    DuckDuckGo Result: Page 1, Position 1 (View)
    Yahoo: Page 1, Position 1 (View)

    Jarome Bell is being added to ALIPAC's Endorsements list as the 58th federal candidate endorsed for 2022.

    ALIPAC encourages Americans who oppose illegal immigration, Amnesty for illegals, non-citizen voters stealing US elections, and Big Tech efforts to control US elections to support Jarome Bell's campaigns with their votes, donations, and volunteerism at

    For more information or to schedule interviews, please visit

    Last edited by ALIPAC; 03-04-2022 at 03:18 PM.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

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