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    Senior Member xanadu's Avatar
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    By Frosty Wooldridge
    January 8, 2007

    President George W. Bush, by violating his oath of office and by his disregard of Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution, escalates a crime wave on American citizens unprecedented in 231 years of our republic.

    Every day, in the United States, thousands of illegal aliens unleash a reign of terror on Americans. Illegal alien migrants murder us, rape our wives and daughters, kill us on our highways, commit identity theft, smuggle drugs, forge documents, steal our cars, spread diseases and create a new benchmark of lawlessness in our country.

    Bush aids, abets and encourages illegal aliens to remain in our country by not enforcing our laws to deport them.

    In 2003, the Government Accountability Office reported 55,322 illegal aliens in federal prisons. Those criminals had been arrested 459,614 times, or eight times each. They committed 700,000 crimes, or 13 each. A third had been arrested five times each.

    If you’re deported and return, it’s a felony that sends you to prison. None of them were deported after their crimes—even after the eighth arrest.

    Why? President Bush refuses to do his job. He refuses to honor his oath of office. Every American death at the hands of these illegals rests on Bush’s lack of integrity toward our laws and the American people.

    According to a report in “The New American” January 8, 2006, by Cort Kirkwood, “Illegal aliens made up 27 percent of the federal prison population in 2003. Mexican felons composed 67 percent of that number. In excess of 267,000 illegal aliens were jailed in federal, state and local facilities.” They cost taxpayers $1.6 billion annually.

    In Los Angeles, California, 95 percent of outstanding warrants for murder named illegal aliens.

    Deborah Schurman Kauflin, head of the Violent Crimes Institute, reported sex offenders represent two percent of illegal aliens. With a minimum population of 12 million illegal aliens, 240,000 sexual predators reside within the U.S. If the Bear-Stearns Report showing 20 million illegals holds true, that’s 400,000 illegal alien sexual fiends preying on our citizens. “In other words, 93 sex offenders and 12 serial sex offenders cross our borders daily without interruption,” she said.

    Kauflin reported in her study of a few states that, “1,500 offenders victimized 5,999 people or four victims each. Of those studied, 35 percent were child molestations, 24 percent were rapes and 41 percent were sexual homicides and serial murders. Illegal aliens victimized 1,000,000 Americans over the 88 months of crime data studied.”

    Kauflin noted that, “Mexicans bring their culture and customs with them.”

    “One example occurred in New York when Victor Cruz, Jose Hernandez, and Carlos Rodriguez, all illegal aliens, joined as many as five other men in raping a 42 year old woman for three hours near Shea Stadium,” Cortland reported. “In a letter to the court, the victim wrote that the rapists attacked her like a pack of wild wolves. Similar examples of beastly gang rapes, some involving more than a dozen men, are legion.”

    Illegal crime doesn’t stop with murder and sexual attacks. Newsweek estimates 11,000 MS-13 gang members in 33 states distribute over $100 billion in drugs annually throughout the United States. George Bush allows them to cross the borders with countless tons of drugs that entice our children. He refuses to guard our border with Mexico. In 2005, Phoenix, Arizona suffered 57,600 stolen cars. Illegals used them for drug trade and people smuggling.

    In those cars, they drive drunk by the thousands and tens of thousands. A compilation of mayhem and murder by illegals stalks American drivers 24 hours a day. According to U.S. Congressman Steve King of Iowa, 13 Americans suffer death on our nation’s highways daily via drunk Mexican drivers.

    This past Thanksgiving, U.S. Marine Brian Mathews, back from his tour in Iraq, drove his girlfriend, Jennifer Bower, on a date. While Mathews idled at a red light, Eduardo Raul Morales-Sorian, 25, illegal alien, intoxicated, slammed into them—instant death. Sorian had been stopped three other times and not deported.

    Why is President George Bush responsible for all these rapes, mayhem on our highways, crimes and death? Our laws are written. Our laws are in place. Our laws are meant to protect us from this invasion.

    Short answer: Bush refuses to do his job.

    Why? Because his daughters aren’t getting raped! Our wives and daughters are! His kids aren’t going to schools where violence and multiple languages create chaos. Our kids are! He’s not sitting at a stoplight with his wife vulnerable to a drunk illegal alien slamming into him. We are! He doesn’t face MS-13 gang members numbering 11,000; we do! He’s not catching diseases such as tuberculosis, E. coli and hepatitis. We are!

    Since 9/11, he hasn’t secured our borders with troops. He hasn’t arrested employers of illegal aliens. He hasn’t enforced our laws. Today, illegal aliens cross our borders by the millions—knowing Bush won’t enforce our laws.

    Last month, his lackey Michael Chertoff raided six Swift meatpacking plants. Window dressing! Cotton candy law enforcement! They never arrested the employers. Why won’t Chertoff go after Hormel, Tyson, Wal-Mart, Home Depot, construction companies and fast food outlets? Short answer: George W. Bush.

    If Bush had been doing his job in 2001, we wouldn’t be in this national nightmare where Mexicans laugh at our laws. If he would start doing his job today like Dwight D. Eisenhower did in 1954, we would be done with this invasion by the end of 2007. It’s SO simple. Enforce our laws!

    If the American people would do their job by becoming involved in their republican form of government, Bush wouldn’t get away with his many violations of his oath of office. He wouldn’t get away with the crime of incompetence, ineptitude and excuses—if the majority of Americans would flood the White House and Congress with their abhorrence of Bush’s reprehensible lack of integrity.

    If an amnesty passes, which legalizes 20 million illegal aliens, this lawlessness will be as usual in the United States as it is in Mexico. In other words, the United States will no longer maintain itself as a nation of laws.

    President George W. Bush will prove the worst president in U.S. history, but on his way into the record books, he thrusts American citizens onto the death gallows every day he misrepresents and misleads our nation.


    What you can do for a better future for your country:

    A republican form of government is not a spectator sport. It means you must jump in, roll up you sleeves and take personal and collective action. Of course, you could let a dictator take over and do everything for you, but that path would give you Cuba, China, North Korea and other unsavory examples.

    To stop Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid from giving an amnesty, take action. Call for a full 10 year moratorium.
    Last edited by GaiaGoddess; 04-26-2024 at 05:05 PM.
    "Liberty CANNOT be preserved without general knowledge among people" John Adams (August 1765)

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