Friends of ALIPAC,

Our e-mail that was sent out a few hours ago is causing quite a stir in the 9/12 and Tea Party movement.

Unfortunately, many people are leaping to some highly negative and inaccurate conclusions.

We are issuing this clarification e-mail to rectify some of the misunderstandings our earlier e-mail has caused.

Here is a copy of our first e-mail
No ALIPAC Rally in DC, Some 9/12 Groups are Open Borders Groups

1. No ALIPAC is not BOYCOTTING the 9/12 events in DC. Just because we decide not to throw a Rally Against Amnesty event near the date in DC, at an approximate expense to us of $10,000, does not mean we are boycotting the events. We support the 9/12 individuals and groups that are against illegal immigration and any form of amnesty, including Bush's Guest Worker Amnesty and Obama's Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty like ALIPAC is.

2. We did not say we were not going to DC because there are pro-amnesty groups involved with 9/12. We said we were not going to do a rally because of a "host of reasons". Since the false claim is being made that we are not going because of the Open Borders groups and leaders, we will tell you a few of the "host of reasons" are costs, lack of time to prepare, permits, logistics, etc....

3. We did not slight Glenn Beck in our e-mail. We support Glenn Beck and have supported Glenn Beck for years. We have spoken out publicly in support of Glenn Beck and Lou Dobbs for years and have recently been fighting against those trying to get Lou and Glenn fired. We regret that some people have chosen to interpret our notice about the pro-Amnesty groups as a offense offered to Glenn Beck.

4. Partisanship? ALIPAC is going to present our supporters with the facts without regard to partisan issues. When Democrats like Obama, Reid, and Pelosi are on the wrong side of the immigration debate then ALIPAC will point that out. When Republicans like George Bush, Lindsey Graham, and John McCain are on the wrong side of the immigration debate, ALIPAC will point that out. If anyone is trying to make the suggestion that ALIPAC should temper our responses based on partisan concerns, save your breath.

5. We will provide you with more information about the positions of the groups and leaders that are conducting and sponsoring the 9/12 events soon. We did not provide that information in today's email because 1. There's lots of information to compile and research to complete and 2. The details of the pro-amnesty groups and leaders involved with 9/12 and Tax Day Tea Party events deserves its own e-mail and focus of attention when ready.

We are not boycotting, we are not telling people not to go to DC, we are not bashing Glenn Beck, we are not bashing 9/12 or Tax Day Tea Party supporters, we are not bashing all groups and leaders involved with these things.

You have some real pro-Amnesty Open Borders types that are involved and those of us who are against Amnesty and for secure borders need to know who is who among the wolves in Washington, DC.

The Open Borders Lobby is a bipartisan group of Global corporations, Democrats, Republicans, non profits, think tanks, etc....

Illegal immigration, Amnesty for illegals, and the Open Borders plans are the biggest threat to the United States. Excessive taxation, loss of freedoms, attacks on free speech, and attack on all constitutional rights are part of the plan to bring American citizens and laws into "harmonization" with Canada and Mexico and a more Global community.

The Open Borders Lobby elitists want to capture the popular uprising in this nation.

We all have to be very careful here, and there should be no tears over the fact it won't be as cut and dry as Democrat Vs. Republican or supporting Obama or not.

The Open Borders Lobby has proven itself successful in forcing Americans into elections all across our nation where you have to chose between an Open Borders pro-Amnesty Democrat and an Open Borders pro-Amnesty Republican.

Any and all of you going to Washington, DC this month need to know that you are stepping into their territory.

Whatever your most important issues are, be they taxation, freedoms, rights, health care, cap and trade, it won't matter anymore, if the Open Borders Lobby Democrats and Republicans turn 15 million illegal aliens into new voters, as they intend to later this year.

If that happens, your issues won't mean anything anymore because you will have been replaced with illegal aliens who have turned into voters that have been given a chunk of your nation in return for their services.

We will release our information on the pro-Amnesty people involved with the 9/12 movement soon, but if you must have a tidbit to tide you over just Google "Grover Norquist, Americans for Tax Reform, immigration."

And since we must anticipate some expected criticisms for releasing this information, let us make it clear that we are not just focusing on one person and one group. There are several other pro-AMNESTY, Open Borders Lobby, leaders and groups that are on the payrolls of foreign governments involved.

If anyone has any concerns or questions please direct them to me personally. Or, if you prefer you can post your comments, questions, feedback, or concerns beneath this thread on our website..

At your service,

William Gheen
President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)