Friends of ALIPAC,

Some of you have received Amnesty legislation alerts from allied groups already, while ALIPAC has kept our attention focused on the important Senate race in Georgia to be decided tomorrow on Dec. 2.

We want to thank all of the ALIPAC activists that are currently donating their volunteer time and contributions to the Georgia effort, which could be decisive in the Amnesty battle next year. Our hearts and prayers go out for the Saxby Chambliss campaign and we hope for victory tomorrow.

We have been monitoring the Obama administration and the Democratic leadership in Washington, along with their La Raza support groups.

They are sending out mixed signals right now. Their grassroots organizations and some Democrats in Congress are broadcasting an approaching Amnesty attempt shortly after Obama is sworn in. The Obama camp is trying to downplay immigration issues, perhaps in an attempt to stifle public backlash and perhaps to keep immigration issues out of the Chambliss race because they know an open push right now would be ill timed and hurt their Democratic Challenger in Georgia.

Regardless, we expect the next Amnesty push to begin immediately after Obama is sworn in.

Timing will be very important in this battle and we plan to get our water hot right after New Years day, but we will not bring our activism to a boil until the time is right!

We are working on dynamic plans that will require us to do what we have done before and do it on a larger scale. We will also have to deploy new tactics and new messages in our effort to stop the AMNESTY push.

We believe that if we can hold of Amnesty in the first 100 days of Obama's Presidency that we can hold it off for all of 2009.

We believe that if we can stop Amnesty in 2009, it will be dead in 2010 as we enter the next election season and Americans may get one last chance to get it right at the ballot box.

We will oppose any amnesty attempts with everything we have and we know we can win again, just like we did in 2006 and 2007.

However, if they pass an amnesty bill and Obama signs it into law, we are not out of the game as most of these bills contain a fatal flaw we can immediately exploit upon passage.

Please understand that we are monitoring the situation and working hard behind the scenes right now in conjunction with allied leaders and groups and elected officials favorable to our cause.

Illegal immigration is reversing in America, due to the bad economy and INCREASED ENFORCEMENT. We have passed more enforcement laws than ever before in the states in 2008.

We must stop Obama and members of Congress from both parties from overriding our successes.

Obama is building an Open Borders and pro-Amnesty dream team in Washington. Appointment after appointment we are finding our opposition, including his appointment of Cecilia Muñoz who will become the Director of Intergovernmental Affairs in his administration. Muñoz currently serves as Senior Vice President for NCLR’s (National Council of La Raza) Office of Research, Advocacy, and Legislation.


You will receive more information soon about our battle plans and what you can do to prepare for the challenges ahead. Please remember that we cannot show all of our cards at once, but have faith that we are going to be crouched and ready to rumble.

The fight to save America is alive and well and as things deteriorate in our nation, we are the Americans that will fight back with new and unrivaled fervor.

William Gheen and the ALIPAC Team

PS: Please make sure that everyone in your family with small children is aware that the toxins that sickened over 50,000 infants in China is present in two of the most popular American infant formulas currently on shelves in the U.S. The FDA admits they knew this back in September but delayed in telling the public. Also, the FDA is refusing to issue a recall, and is changing their rules to allow Melamine in the formula our children drink.

For more information, read this article and or listen to the November 30, 2008 Last Americans Standing Show.

FDA Admits Melamine in US Baby Formula Supply. Brands: Nestle SA’s liquid Good Start Supreme Infant Formula with Iron and Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.’s powder Enfamil Lipil with Iron

Discussion on the Last Americans Standing Show Sun Nov 30, 2008