April 29, 2008

Governor Napolitano:

The people of Arizona have spoken. They spoke when a large majority passed Proposition 200. They have spoken through their elected representatives in the Arizona House and Senate. The people have spoken, by demanding immigration enforcement, and you have stolen their voice.

The vast majority of Americans and Arizonans want illegal immigration stopped and reversed at every level of government. Even a majority of legal Hispanics in Arizona have voted for measures to address this crisis. Numerous national and local polls show over 80% of Americans want local police enforcing immigration laws.

You have shown that your views are contrary to four out of five Americans and that you are willing to oppress Americans and deprive them of representation.

Unfortunately, you have made your name both synonymous with illegal immigration and thwarting the health of our representative Democracy.

How dare you override the elected representatives with your latest veto of a bill to help law enforcement save American lives, American jobs, and American tax dollars by enforcing immigration laws?

You are clearly pandering to radical pro-illegal immigration groups that asked you for the veto. They called on you to stand against the majority of Americans and you agreed. We know where you really stand.

We are also fully aware that your administration has fought and undermined the enforcement of other state bills and public ballot initiatives like Proposition 200.

You are a threat to the America way and the Republic for which our flag stands. You are an elitist sellout who thinks you know better than the people that elected you to serve their interests. It is not your job to create laws or defeat laws. It is your job to enforce the laws of the people as passed and you have shown your willingness to strip Americans of their political voices, in favor of the radical open borders groups.

I live in North Carolina, but each day my state is flooded with illegal aliens many of which have passed right through Arizona, where you have done your best to create and maintain a lack of adequate enforcement and defense of our nation.

The eyes of the nation are upon you Governor Napolitano.

When we pickup a newspaper article about another American killed in our communities by illegal alien criminals, we will say, "One of Napolitano's illegals" has taken another American son or daughter. When we see another American business collapse for refusing to hire illegal aliens, we will think of you and your neighbor Governor Bill Richardson. When we see another hospital or school struggling or shutting down under the weight of illegal immigration, we will think of the name Napolitano.

We are pointing our fingers straight at you Janet Napolitano. Thousands of us are pointing at you from all across America and shaking our heads in disgust that we are unfortunate enough to have you on the border during this crisis.

There's blood on your hands now because you have chosen to respond to radical groups, overthrow the will of the public and state lawmakers, and hinder police departments from protecting American lives which could easily be saved from murder, assault, rapes, and robberies from Napolitano's illegal aliens and their supporters.

The racist La Raza groups, anarchists, communists, and socialist organizations are clapping their hands at your Veto. We stand with the vast majority of American citizens in condemning your actions and promising you we will do everything within our power to remove you from office at the earliest opportunity.

The American Spirit has awoken and manifests within us. Our eyes are affixed upon you and our political talons will carry you out to join Elliot Spitzer on the scrap heap of history. Today your communication lines are white-hot with the approaching screams of American Eagles.

William Gheen
President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC