Contact: Jason Rose
Rose & Allyn Public Relations
Office: 480.423.1414
Mobile: 602.791.4488


Hayworth V. McCain
Arizona’s 24-Year Senator Ridiculously Labels All Who Disagree With Him, Open Borders
A Bunch of Brown Shirts; John, Let’s Elevate The Debate

PHOENIX, ARIZONA. FEBRUARY 24, 2010. Yesterday, the McCain campaign issued a sophomoric press release attempting to discredit conservative challenger J.D. Hayworth’s endorsement from the Americans for Legal Immigration, a national leader in the fight against illegal immigration. The McCain campaign used sloppy research to suggest this group and anyone that disagrees with McCain or his amnesty plans is a hate monger. It was offensive not only to the Hayworth family but also should be to any American.
To borrow a phrase from the McCain family, “NOH8â€