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    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    Donald Trump vs. America's True Adversaries abroad & within our own nation and homes!

    Donald Trump vs. America's True Adversaries abroad & within our own nation and homes!

    March 11, 2016

    "I think Islam hates us...There's tremendous hatred. We have to get to the bottom of it."
    -- Donald J. Trump, GOP Primary Candidate for President 2016

    Donald Trump is not being hateful or intolerant of others for shallow or bigoted reasons.

    Donald Trump is arguing against the brainwashing that's been done to Americans by our occupied government and media to "educate" us that we should welcome our dangerous enemies and their products into our nation, neighborhoods, and homes.

    Much of Islam does hate us and wants us either converted to Islam or dead. Mexico makes billions addicting our children to heroin, meth, and cocaine while China prepares her citizens and military for war against the United States.

    We are literally being fed, clothed, and financially propped up by the very nations that wish to see America and Americans destroyed.

    A perfect example of this is the media's struggle every day to convince us that the feelings and emotions of illegal immigrants are a higher priority than all of the Americans being thrown out of their jobs and homes, or robbed, raped, and killed by illegal aliens each year!

    The Chinese, Mexicans, and Saudis are not our friends and allies, and Donald Trump is the only candidate who has shone a spotlight on where America's fundamental problems are sourced!

    Trump is winning because his most recent promises are seen as America's best hope for survival among Americans who grasp the situation clearly and are doing their best to make rational choices on behalf of themselves and their descendants.

    Trump is not just leading a campaign, he is leading a movement, and that movement is based more upon a shared world view and perception of reality in America than on issues or the political correctness defenses being offered up by Trump's adversaries.

    Trump wants to "get to the bottom of it," which means he is giving you a big hint that your national troubles and woes are no accident and he is vowing to us that he will be our truth teller and truly fight for our American and Constitutional cause.

    And should Donald J. Trump ever diverge from this path he has chosen, should he ever give any of his supporters strong cause to believe he has truly misled them on one single important issue, then his campaign or Presidency will be over within a matter of days or weeks, and Donald Trump will be destroyed by the very people he is appealing to today. -- William Gheen, President of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC
    Last edited by ALIPAC; 03-11-2016 at 01:18 PM.
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