Attention Illegal Alien and Amnesty Supporters:

The next episode of the Last Americans Standing Show will air on Sunday, July 13, 2008 3-5pm EST / 12-2pm PST on several stations and online at

We will be discussing illegal aliens, Amnesty supporting groups, activists, bloggers, websites, and lawmakers on the show.

If you are a supporter of the Dream Act, benefits for illegal aliens, college access and licenses for illegals, the Southern Poverty Lie Center, the Defamation League, the National Council of the Race, Media Matters, or Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty, then we want to hear from you!

If you disagree with the mission and methods of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) and would like to be heard, this is your opportunity.

We ask that you abide by three simple rules. 1. You must speak English on the show. 2. No vulgarity. 3. Please try to come up with some point to make other than the false claim that every group and American who disagrees with your political views is somehow a racist.

Our show supporters who want secure borders and more immigration enforcement have been asked not to call in during the show to give you and me time to debate these issues. I have a very special message for many of your groups and leaders, which will be presented during the first half hour of the show. We need to discuss the REAL racism, lies, and hateful messages coming from many of your Amnesty supporting groups and leaders.

I hope many of you will accept my challenge by joining us for a healthy debate and the kind of free speech that makes America such a desirable nation that others want to live in.

William Gheen
Last Americans Standing Show