Historic Number of Campaigns Promise Immigration Enforcement in 2008

October 13, 2008

CONTACT: ALIPAC, press@alipac.us, (866) 703-0864

A historic number of Federal campaigns are presenting their stances to voters in 2008 on illegal immigration and promising more immigration enforcement and opposition to Amnesty according to the research of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC).

While the two leading Presidential candidates, Obama and McCain, have pro-Amnesty stances that are identical to each other and identical to the failed Bush policies, Congressional candidates are taking opposing stances. Luckily for Americans, the US Constitution gives Congress the power over immigration laws and not the Executive Branch.

"We are seeing three times as many candidates make promises to oppose Amnesty or a path to citizenship for illegal aliens this year than in 2006 or 2004," said William Gheen of ALIPAC. "Very few candidates are openly promoting the Obama, McCain, Bush amnesty plan because they know it would hurt their campaigns, since a super majority of voters oppose Amnesty."

National public polls and internal campaign polls show that American voters favor immigration enforcement over Amnesty by 2 to 1 margins or more. Candidates that wish to be elected are mirroring those public sentiments.

"The Presidential campaigns are barely mentioning immigration in their campaigns because each time they do, their polling numbers drop. Their unpopular stances harm the McCain campaign more because approximately 80% of Republicans oppose his stance, while approximately 55% of Democrats oppose a path to citizenship."

The massive growth in the number of campaigns addressing the illegal immigration issue proves that this issue is alive and well and foremost on voters minds along with the economy and the war.

ALIPAC has endorsed over 154 candidates already this year, which exceeds the 116 endorsed in 2006. Volunteer researchers are combing through hundreds of Federal campaigns so the list of endorsed candidates is expected to grow rapidly between now and election day, as candidates that want to win seek to align themselves with the pro-immigration enforcement views of the electorate.

To view a list of endorsed candidates or find more information, please visit www.alipac.us


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