Friends of ALIPAC,

Now is a good time to brace yourselves and prepare for the worst, while motivating yourself to fight harder than ever in hope for the best for America.

With the Presidential race debacle, combined with an economy that may take us into depression era conditions, we must prepare.

So many of ALIPAC's supporters are on fixed incomes or working check to check to keep afloat. Time and money are short, as the race intensifies to just keep our heads above water.

The coming economic implosion in America is due to a combination of factors. One of the strong reasons is the years of deregulation and lack of industry enforcement. While our government has continued to fail us on a massive level regarding border security and immigration enforcement, Federal laws and regulations that were designed to prevent another great depression and assure product quality have also been abandoned on an unprecedented scale.

You will see ALIPAC and many of our allies begin to tie the economy and illegal immigration issues together over the coming weeks.

On one hand, the reversal of illegal immigration which has begun will hurt our economy. This is because the corporations that have hijacked the government of "We The People" have been trying to head off the collapse, by growing our economy through rapid population growth that is fueled by illegal immigration.

One prime example of this is that illegal immigration has propped up the housing market because we have 5 to 10 million housing units we do not need because of illegal immigration. American home buyers have also been fleeing states like California and Texas to get away from high illegal immigration impact areas. With the reversal of illegal immigration, there will be economic pain in many sectors of our economy.

On the other hand, illegal immigration is causing many terrible hardships on American workers.

In years past, people would take on an extra job or any job to keep food on the table and a roof above their heads. Many times, these jobs would be labor intensive, service sector, or menial jobs but families would do what they needed to during hard times.

In 2008, many Americans are finding themselves cut off from these jobs because they are occupied by illegal aliens, language barriers, or wages are too low. It is a documented fact that illegal immigration drives down wages and in many cases working in construction is not enough to keep food on the table or the mortgage paid at the depressed wage rate, if you are paying income taxes. The results are that Americans are losing their homes at a rate not seen since the great depression.

The cause for this economic collapse is illegal immigration, drug recalls, unsafe products, food recalls, runaway taxes and Federal budgets are all rooted in the same political illness. They are the results of our government charging more for less. They are the results of the loss of self-governance by the American citizenry.

Please keep in mind that things will only get worse in America, as long as Americans are not the ones in charge. Only when we return citizen control to our government can things improve.

We must all continue to combine our time and funds, in the effort to make a difference any way we can to restore America.

There is plenty of blame to go around and it deserves to be directed at both political parties. The upper echelons of the Republican Party have opened our borders and supported an "anything goes" economic policy to rival the 1920's. The Democrats have abandoned their once populist economic policies and instead focus on identity politics of gender, race, and sexual orientation.

This has left the majority of Americans trapped in between powerful, greedy, and ruthless corporations and angry special interest identity groups.

American apathy has paved the way for this to happen combined with the escalating cost of political campaigns, which have taken the process far above the heads of average Americans.

The enemy is within our gates. The enemy is in our ranks.

In the coming months, you will see an unprecedented effort to dissuade and demoralize you. You will hear reports of bogus polls like the recent CNN Poll claiming that both Obama and McCain get equal high marks on addressing immigration. Anyone here believe that?

The lies and excuses we have witnessed are about to increase, as big business and the government of Mexico plans to launch a multi-million dollar advertising campaign to persuade Americans to support or not oppose "Comprehensive Immigration Reform". While some of this marketing will be overt, much of it will be covert and deceptive. You will see the best fake polls money can buy. You will see their messages imbedded in movies and TV shows, and you will see major network "news coverage" propaganda on an unprecedented level.

The opposition is about to make every effort to brand all those who stand against Amnesty as evil hateful loudmouths who represent a minority opinion. The hammer will drop soon. You are about to witness the best lies money can buy.

Prepare yourselves, and get ready to keep the faith. This battle is about to get more intense and for each of you who stands down and decreases your volunteerism and contributions due to the bad economy and their new offensive will be lost ground for our battle.

Our cause is just, we speak for the true American majority, we have the moral high ground, and our plan is the best way to go for America and no propaganda and lies will change that.

The opposition will find us dug in, fortified and resolute.

William Gheen
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC


Special thanks to all of you that bombarded the Governor's office with calls. He signed the bill into law at the last minute before the deadline expired.

Representative Pelath in Indiana

Many of you contacted the three sellouts that blocked our immigration enforcement bill in Indiana. Representative Pelath has sent out e-mails to many of you claiming he did not sign the compromise legislation because he wanted it to be stronger. He is obviously trying to save his political hide. Imagine that, a politician twisting the truth. The truth is that Representative Pelath was appointed as one of four conferees that were supposed to reconcile the Senate and House versions of the bill, which was supported by over 70% of the public and that had passed by large majorities in each chamber. By refusing to sign the compromise bill or work effectively with the other conferees, Representative Pelath has made a name for himself by thwarting the process in favor of illegal aliens. Pelath, Weatherfax, and Arnold failed us all, by failing to do the job they were appointed to do to pass that bill.