Friends of ALIPAC,

We would like to hear how you feel about the primary wins of the two pro-amnesty candidates, which represent the staunchest DC insiders that could have won.

Please share your thoughts with us, by e-mailing them to

All responses received on this matter will be held in confidence, so feel free to let us know exactly how you are feeling.

We want to know how you feel about the elections, who you supported, what we should do next, how you feel about ALIPAC's efforts, and any details you would like to share. What are your predictions and concerns?

Your responses will help us to craft the next steps that ALIPAC will take and our official positions.

We will not be able to answer each and every e-mail, but I do look forward from hearing from you.

Hearing from you will help us better represent your views.

William Gheen
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)