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Thread: McCain Campaign Staff Drug Bust Reeks of Broader Corruption

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  1. #1
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    McCain Campaign Staff Drug Bust Reeks of Broader Corruption

    McCain Campaign Staff Drug Bust Reeks of Broader Corruption

    April 28, 2016

    Contact: Americans for Legal Immigration PAC | (866) 703-0864 |

    ALIPAC is calling on law enforcement and media to conduct a deeper investigation into the shocking arrest of John McCain's campaign fundraiser and RSVP contact Emily Pitha on numerous drug charges because her level of political involvement combined with her cartel level drug operation suggests a much broader level of corruption.

    Emily Pitha was fired by the McCain campaign after she was arrested along with her boyfriend Christopher Hustrulid when a daytime raid of her home at her house near 20th Street and Bethany Home Road on Tuesday was conducted by Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Maricopa County Sheriff’s. The raid discovered large amounts of cash along with counterfeit money, a meth lab, a marijuana grow operation, methamphetamine, LSD, heroin, cocaine, 250 grams of ecstasy (MDMA) and potential bomb making materials in the home that also housed two children ages 5 and 10!

    Emily Pitha's online profiles say she has worked for U.S. Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) in 2013 and former U.S. Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) in 2006 and again from 2007-2012 including work as an administrative assistant for Kyl’s Phoenix area office and later trained staff in Flake’s office, among other duties.

    McCain’s campaign — he is running for re-election — released a statement: “We are thankful for the hard work and dedication of Arizona law enforcement to keep our communities safe. Like everyone else, we are shocked and saddened by the news regarding Ms. Pitha. Upon learning of her alleged involvement in the operation, the campaign immediately terminated any relationship with her.”

    "Nobody moves this much drugs and cash in a border state without cartel ties and the fact this particular drug manufacturing and distribution operation was embedded with high ranking US politicians like McCain, Flake, and Kyle that support open borders and amnesty for illegals is cause for major concern," said William Gheen, President of ALIPAC. "John McCain should resign from the US Senate and end his campaign immediately and the proper local and federal authorities need to launch an immediate broader corruption probe! America needs to know how a high ranking GOP fundraiser is also moving money and drugs on a large scale and how much influence does this crime network have on these politicians and how much drug money found its way into their campaigns."

    In nations like Mexico, Honduras, and Nicaragua, drug cartels and drug money dominate campaigns, elections, and the actions of government officials. Here in the US every state has been infiltrated by these cartels and it has been a matter of concern regarding how much influence the Mexican drug cartels have over US candidates and politicians.

    In most American campaigns and elections, a high ranking member of a campaign's staff being arrested and charged with this level of crime would result in the destruction of the campaign. American media just spend months hyperventilating about Donald Trump's campaign manager, Cory Lewandowski was being charged with assault after he tugged on the elbow of former reporter Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields . Florida State Attorney David Aronberg has announced he will not prosecute Donald Trump's campaign manager for such a trivial matter.

    These arrests and massive drug, counterfeiting, and bomb making materials charges against McCain's fund raiser Emily Pitha are clearly of much greater magnitude and concern than the allegations against the Trump campaign.

    ALIPAC is calling on GOP Presidential candidates Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich to comment on the arrest of John McCain's fundraiser and calls on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, The New York and LA Times to follow the lead of KTAR, The Arizona Republic, and RAW Story in reporting on this historic development.

    ALIPAC opposes John McCain for public office because of his infamous support for amnesty for illegals, the lies he told Arizona voters to win reelection in 2010 and has endorsed McCain's strongest GOP Primary opponent he faces on August 30... Dr. Kelli Ward.

    For more information about this case and John McCain's support for open borders and amnesty for the illegal aliens the Mexican drug cartels make billions of dollars from importing along with drugs each year, please visit

    Last edited by ALIPAC; 04-28-2016 at 02:41 PM.
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  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Here again we have our self-serving elected officials in total disregard of the voters they swore to serve. Sen. (Senile?) McCain, Flake, and Kyl, all of Arizona, one of the country’s major corridors of human trafficking, drug running, kidnapping, and ILLEGAL aliens. Arizona has an estimated HALF MILLION ILLEGAL aliens; Arizona spends over $3 BILLION a year to educate, medicate and incarcerate ILLEGAL aliens. In 2009, Phoenix had 316 kidnapping cases making Phoenix North America's kidnapping capital and primary location of human smuggling. (A pittance compared to mexifornia)
    The great obama “assumed his throne” in 2009; his department of injustice actually sued AZ over SB 1070, passed in 2010, that tried to protect AZ citizens from this ILLEGAL alien invasion.
    Ms. Pitha has been working for the three U.S. Senators from AZ in various duties since 2006. It is the highest order of malfeasance on the Senator's part that her criminal activity went unnoticed in the overall corruption, or maybe, just conveniently ignored.
    McCain’s campaign — he is running for re-election — released a statement: “We are thankful for the hard work and dedication of Arizona law enforcement to keep our communities safe. Like everyone else, we are shocked and saddened by the news regarding Ms. Pitha. (Shocked I tell ya, just shocked.)
    Last edited by The Old Chip; 04-28-2016 at 04:28 PM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member vivalamigra's Avatar
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    What? Lying sack of crap Juan McAmnesty and his cronies consorting with drug smugglers? Gee, I'm totally shocked! No, the only thing that shocks me is that LEO's actually busted McAmnesty's staffers; I'm sure there will be reprisals taken against the officers and investigators responsible b/c McAmnesty always plays dirty.
    Viva La Migra! [Hooray for the Border Patrol!] Viva Ramos! Viva Campean!* Good Riddance to El Presidente Jorge Boosh!

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