Friends of ALIPAC,

Your presence and participation on our e-mail alerts list is critical to our abilities to fight against illegal immigration and amnesty.

We are testing a new e-mail system once again.

Please help us assure that we are reaching you by replying to this e-mail, with your answer to this simple survey question.

(Take ten seconds to reply to this test email please)

Survey Question: I feel ALIPAC's e-mail alerts are A. Too Few, B. Just Right, or C. Sent too frequently.

We also need you to let us know, if you stop receiving our e-mails for some reason.

The e-mail service we were using led to many of our core activists accidentally being dropped from our list.

If you want to be removed from our lists, we do not want to lose you but easy instructions are listed at the bottom of each e-mail we send.

DO NOT HIT ABUSE or SPAM buttons, instead of just taking ten seconds to remove yourself because doing that can cut thousands of people off from receiving our e-mails.

Also, please familiarize yourself with the following suggestions about how to White List ALIPAC e-mails.

PLEASE MAKE SURE is on your White List using the tips at this link... ... lp/ALIPAC/

Thank you very much for your support, assistance, and patience.