Supporters of ALIPAC:

With the elections in the past and our plans to fight amnesty being prepared, we are normalizing our core operations at ALIPAC.


Regular updates of the homepage with the top stories on our issue each day will resume. These news stories will be mixed with special announcements from ALIPAC and stories we release to the nation.

ALIPAC Supporters are encouraged to visit the homepage often to stay current.

Broader listings of daily news can be found in our Discussion Groups. Please help us maintain our reputation as the largest collection of news on the illegal immigration issue in existence. Remember that by making comments in the daily news section, your thoughts on the news will join our permanent archives that will be viewed by thousands of people.

Citizen activists, journalists, law enforcement, campaigns, lawmakers, and many others count on our news archives and over 70,000 pages of our site are now viewed each day.

News Stories from ALIPAC Members ... wforum&f=6


We are reactivating our FOCUS campaigns on cities, towns, and counties. Those fighting for our cause on the local level need our help. Our FOCUS campaigns were succeeding and we put a lot of these operations on hold during the final weeks of the election efforts.

Expanding our city and state operations will be part of our new plan to fight amnesty.

If you can spare a few minutes each day or every few days, please help by entering the FOCUS Campaign area. Your calls and e-mails can really make a difference as we work to push the illegals back on the local level.

Please feel free to ask questions and please remember to post notes about your participation as examples and encouragements for others to join the efforts.


City / Town WIN/LOSS Tracking Post ... ic&t=44076


Our calendar of national events will be updated every few days to make sure you have access to as many events in your area as possible. If you would like to have an event listed, please contact LegalUSCitizen via our Discussion Groups Private Message Feature.

National Calendar of Events ... ic&t=23015