Friends of ALIPAC:

To our surprise, a Washington Times article ran yesterday proclaiming that Mike Huckabee would move to reverse birthright citizenship according to comments made in a release by Jim Gilchrist that were not refuted by the Huckabee campaign.

Today, the Times is running a correction article. Mike Huckabee lied on CNN claiming he was not contacted about this statement and Gilchrist lied in his release, under a fake name, touting Huckabee's immigration stances.

We need you to take immediate action to help expose and put a stop to this national deception.

Please take the following steps.

1. Please read the source material and press release listed below to gain a full understanding of the situation and to prepare for action.

2. Please contact the Mike Huckabee campaign HQ. Create your own message to convey the following "I am very disappointed that Minuteman Jim Gilchrist is lying to voters and the press about Mike Huckabee's immigration stances. I am also upset that as a paid member of Huckabee's campaign he is sending threatening e-mails to people calling them pedophiles, thieves, and woman beaters. This is not the kind of behavior I would expect from a serious Presidential campaign or possible future President."

Again, make sure you craft your own version and contact the Huckabee campaign in writing and by phone!


3. Please distribute copies of today's press release "National Deception: Mike Huckabee and Jim Gilchrist Lie To America" to all media contacts with special focus on CNN, FOX, and talk radio shows. Please post it far and wide on the web, especially where you can find conversations about these articles. We also want you to call Fox and CNN and demand that they start telling Americans the truth about Huckabee and Gilchrist.

Contact for FOX and CNN at this link...

ALIPAC's talk radio contact list

4. We need our online activists to spread out across the web looking for any posts or article copies about Mike Huckabee & Jim Gilchrist and to post responses and content to refute these lies. Any place we see or hear either of them in the media or on the web, we need to pile on and let them have it with all we can muster.

ALIPAC Activists should post their finds and engagement locations at this link. Activists should back each other up on web locations where we can get the truth out.

We need you on the web, on the air on talk radio, and even calling in to C-Span to get the word out.

Huckabee and Gilchrist have both been exposed as liars that are trying to deceive America about Huckster's true immigration stances, now with hard work we can get this news to the voters.... God willing.

Let's roll!



ALIPAC Press Release
National Deception: Mike Huckabee and Jim Gilchrist Lie To America

Today's Washington Times
Mike Huckabee & Jim Gilchrist both caught lying to America!
Huckabee retreats on birthright citizenship

World Net Daily Article
Huckabee Refutes Jim Gilchrist Claims: Huckabee denies anchor-baby challenge

Yesterday's Washington Times Article containing the lies
Confirmed Lie: Huckabee vows to defy birthright citizenship