Friends of ALIPAC,

We would like to extend a warm welcome to the new supporters that have recently joined our e-mail alerts list at ALIPAC.

We have experienced a recent and dramatic increase in the number of new supporters that have come on board.

Many signed up or learned about us at the Tax Day Tea Party events in Raleigh and across the nation. Others, spotted our videos about the Dream Act & Illegal Alien supporters at UNC attacking free speech by using violence and destruction at the Tancredo event. Others have been responding to our "New American Velvet Revolution" article and our extensive national media coverage over the last few weeks.

For those that are new, we welcome you and greatly appreciate your support. Please check our homepage regularly and sign up as a volunteer and donor if you can. We will send you 1-4 e-mail alerts per week as needed.

Our alerts will contain important information, first release news and videos, and activist instructions. You will get a feel for our operations by monitoring these e-mails and the ALIPAC homepage at

Our existing supporters represent every state in America and they will be very excited to learn that more help is arriving from around the nation.

We promised everyone that after we got past the 2008 elections and the Obama inauguration that the energy and attention would return to the illegal immigration issues. We were right!

The more of us who are dedicated to reversing illegal immigration in America and stopping Amnesty, the higher the chances are we will win and save our nation.

Each person reading our e-mail alerts is a better informed American; capable of spreading the word and making appropriate decisions. Each new person contributing time as an activist and volunteer increases our ability to promote or defeat legislation. Each new donor increases our strength as a national organization.

If any of our new supporters have any questions, please contact me directly at My door is always open to you. We also have online activists that are ready to assist you 24 hours a day, seven days a week in our Discussion Groups area at

We welcome you and greatly appreciate your support and interest and our existing supporters will be happy to know that many more dedicated patriots are joining our organization.

Yours in the cause,

William Gheen
President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)
Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 703-0864
FEC ID: C00405878

PS: We have new videos up on the ALIPAC1 youtube account from the Raleigh Tax Day Tea Party event on April 15

Click on HQ to watch in High Quality

Five Thousand People at Raleigh NC Tax Day Tea Party ALIPAC Table ... annel_page

Tax Day Tea Party High Interest in ALIPAC and Illegal Immigration ... annel_page

Raleigh, NC Tea Party 5,000 strong with people in traffic saluting ... annel_page

ALIPAC at Raleigh NC Tea Party April 15 No Trash Left Behind ... annel_page