Draft Lou Dobbs Supporters,

This is our first e-mail contact to those of you who signed up to support our Draft Lou Dobbs for President effort at www.loudobbsforpresident.org

It is very important that we can reach you as things develop. Please make sure you White List our e-mail in your Inbox to make sure your service provider knows you want to receive e-mails from Contact@loudobbsforpresident.org


Lou Dobbs just said he is thinking about running! While he remains reluctant, Lou Dobbs has indicated he may run as a last resort. You can read the transcripts of what he said on CNN, by visiting the News section on the left at www.LouDobbsforPresident.org Our Draft Dobbs supporters are very excited about this new development!


We need to gather over 1 million dollars in pledges at the Draft Lou Dobbs for President website as fast as possible.

Please consider these two simple, but important actions in order of priority.


Please cut and paste the following text, or craft your own to send to all of your contacts. Each person should agree to send it to a minimum of ten people, preferably more.

"Friends and Family,

I rarely send anything of this nature, but I am asking you to read this important information, take action, and forward this message onward to your contacts.

I believe we have a very serious situation on our hands because each of the top Presidential candidates are unacceptable to many Americans. McCain, Clinton, and Obama all support Amnesty for illegal aliens and each is likely to try and restrict free speech on the Internet and talk radio shows.

The McLintObama candidates also represent DC insiders, at a time when a large majority of Americans feel the country is on the wrong track under their leadership in Washington. If American voters are forced to return a status quo candidate to DC, we can expect business as usual, when what the country really needs is historic change.

I believe the CNN Anchor Lou Dobbs can deliver the historic change America needs and put our nation back on the right track. He stands for immigration enforcement and has a degree in economics which we need in the White House.

Most importantly, Lou Dobbs is a self-proclaimed populist. He believes that "We The People of the United States" should run our own nation, not big business.

Please take a few minutes to visit http://www.LouDobbsForPresident.org and to sign up to show your support for Lou Dobbs to run as an Independent candidate. Mr. Dobbs is considering running and we need to show him our support is there.

After signing up at www.LouDobbsforPresident.org help us to keep this message going, by sending it to as many of your contacts as possible. By sending this message to a minimum of ten people, and hopefully more, we can reach out to enough Americans to convince Lou Dobbs to run for President soon."


If you have not signed our Guest Book at the Draft Dobbs site yet, please stop by to leave an encouraging comment. Even if you have posted on the Guest Book, please take a few moments to write Lou Dobbs directly to encourage him to run for President.

You can send your message to Lou Dobbs by using the contact form on his website at the following link...


Thank you for showing your support at Draft Lou Dobbs for President.

We hope you will take action on the two items above to help us reach the 1 million in pledges mark as soon as possible.
