Super Tuesday: Romney and Paul make Progress, Huckabee plays Spoiler

Friends of ALIPAC,

We are happy to announce that Ron Paul has signed NumbersUSA's No Amnesty pledge. Many thanks to all of you who worked hard to make that a reality.

Many talk radio hosts are rallying to Romney in order to thwart McCain. One set of polls has this as a close race, while others widely distributed in the liberal media show McCain with a 2 to 1 advantage. It is agreed that Romney has about a 7% lead in CA which is the biggest hitter today. It is also agreed that Huckabee is staying in the race to help McCain win. Which polls are true?

Talk Radio Rallies to Romney to Thwart McCain

Three days ago, we sent you information regarding our research on the Romney campaign and the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations). Some friends have sent us some more information. While we can still find no evidence that Romney is a member of the CFR or that he supports the CFR or the CFR supports him, there is a high level CFR supporter on Romney's campaign in New York named William Weld. William Weld is a former governor of MA, and helped to write the CFR document, "Building a North American Community" that is of great concern to us.

Some friends of our cause have just released this video. Please watch and distribute.

John McCain: Razing Arizona

We have done our best at ALIPAC to inform you and encourage you.

Now go vote for your favorite candidate as long as it is not McLintObama or the Huckster!