NC Lawmakers, Staff, and members of the press:

We were very pleased to see Senate Bill 32 "Employers Must Use Federal E-Verify Program" passed by a strong margin in the Senate Commerce Committee this morning.

Now the bill heads to the Senate Appropriations committee where we hope it will be passed with teeth in the bill to handle unscrupulous employers that hire illegal aliens.

Ron Woodard of NC Listen and I had planned to say that E-Verify was 99 percent accurate during our presentations to the committee this morning.

We held off because our opposition has been trying to get lawmakers not to support SB 32 claiming that the E-Verify system has an accuracy rate of only 87%!

This is not true!

One company that hires a large volume of foreign nationals, Intel, released a study of their E-Verify inquiries saying that 13% of those they processed were improperly flagged by the E-Verify system. While it is possible that Intel is being politically biased or has a training problem in the use of the E-Verify system, it is also possible they get a higher error rate because of their dependence on foreign labor.

According to the official Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) E-Verify is 99.6% accurate!

Here are the official numbers from a recent DHS Fact Sheet

"Jan. 8, 2009 DHS FAct Sheet

A recent study conducted by Westat, a social science research firm which monitors the effect of various changes made to the E-Verify program, found that between April and June 2008:

- Approximately 96.1 percent of all cases queried through E-Verify were instantly found to be employment authorized (this is a substantial improvement from 94.2 percent);

- About 99.6 percent of all work-authorized employees verified through E-Verify are verified without receiving a tentative nonconfirmation or having to take any type of corrective action;

- Erroneous tentative nonconfirmations (those that were work-authorized but who received a nonconfirmation) have improved from 0.5% to 0.4%. Ultimately, these mismatches are successfully resolved; and

- Of all queries received, final nonconfirmations (meaning not work-authorized) are 3.5 percent; down from 5.3 percent. "

Source Link ... 8Jan09.pdf

We are distributing this notice to all NC Lawmakers and to members of the NC Media.

We ask that lawmakers, staff, members of the media, and even our opposition working against SB 32 please utilize the official governmental data regarding the accuracy of E-Verify instead of the Intel corp. report.

We would also like to note that according to state laws passed with our help in 2007, all new hires for state employment in NC have been required to be processed with the E-Verify system and we have heard of no significant problems with the current deployment of E-Verify by the state of North Carolina.

I plan to return to the NC Assembly on Wednesday to circulate copies of this official DHS handout to set the record straight. ... 8Jan09.pdf

William Gheen
President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)
Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 703-0864
FEC ID: C00405878