We have not received enough responses to our emailed appeals for aid in 2023, and at the time of this email, we do not have enough funds to 1. Meet our national operations budget responsibilities for Feb. 2. Complete our mailer to past donors to try to reengage them. 3. Plan an activism & lobbying trip on your behalf to DC.

We are now forced into "Emergency Mode" where all activism, lobbying, and campaign support activities must cease as we fight to save the organization, and we direct all time and remaining resources to the funds drive.

Should we pack it up and stand down from the national fight against the open-border cabal? Should America take on Dream Act Amnesty without us and our past success record stopping these bad bills?

If you support what we do, we need to hear from you now with donations of $10+ via our secure contributions page at...


We will update everyone on the response levels to this email in 24 hours. We cannot fight those destroying America with illegal immigration and Amnesty without your backing at sufficient levels. We get by on a shoestring budget compared to other organizations, but current support levels are too low for us to continue without immediate improvements.

William Gheen
PO Box 30966,
Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009

PS: If too many of our donors stand down, the same must happen to our national organization after all of these years of dedicated and proven service in this cause.

Don't let apathy prevail, please renew your support for 2023 now at ...
