
Many thanks to those of you that were able to call and e-mail the NC Senate Commerce committee members on Tuesday morning.

We have won Round 1 and our E-Verify bill that would stop illegal aliens from being hired in NC passed the Commerce Committee. Several lawmakers mentioned your calls and e-mails in their support of the bill. I spoke at the meeting in favor of the bill along with our friend and ally Ron Woodard of NC Listen.

We are brewing a perfect political storm here in NC with your activism and talk radio shows to alert the public about SB 32.

Our next hurdle is the NC Senate Appropriations committee.

We want this committee to consider and pass SB 32 as soon as possible.

Please take the following actions all day Wednesday and Thursday.

I am rushing back over to the legislative annex to meet with lawmakers and you can reinforce my efforts on the ground. This worked very well yesterday.


Step 1: Please craft your own distinct message and call each NC Senator on the list below. Then follow-up your call with an e-mail copy of your message asking the appropriations committee members to schedule and support SB 32.

Sample Message

"I'm calling/writing to ask that Senator ________ please help SB 32 "Employers Must Use Federal E-Verify Program" come to a vote and pass the Appropriations committee as soon as possible. We need every job for Americans and legal immigrants right now. This legislation has been tried and tested and proven very popular in many other states such as Arizona, Georgia, Oklahoma, and South Carolina, to name a few. The E-Verify system is over 99 percent accurate and many employers are already using it. Please get SB 32 on the way to the Senate floor soon."

Step 2

For your calls and emails, click on the name of each Senator on the NC Senate Appropriations Committee at this link for the info you need.

Appropriations/Base Budget Member Contact Info ... tanding_89

Don't forget to leave voice mails and keep pushing through Thursday of this week!

I'm out the door and on my way over! We need to hit this hard and fast before our La Raza group opposition has a chance to respond.

Yours in the cause,

William Gheen
President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC

PS: Please read and distribute today's press release...

Immigration Enforcement Bill SB 32 Advances in the NC Senate