I doubt the liberal papers will run these before election day, but here goes nothing!


To The Editor:

Over eighty percent of Americans feel the nation is heading in the wrong direction and the main issues driving this historic level of discontent is a war that goes on longer than WWII, a bad economy that rivals the Great Depression, and rampant illegal immigration.

Americans are learning the hard way that our government is no longer in the hands of the people and the existing laws are subservient to the elite Global financial interests that govern more than We The People.

In North Carolina, US Senator Elizabeth Dole stood up and voted NO on the bills in the Senate that would have granted a form of amnesty to millions of illegal aliens in our nation. She has also worked hard to help our local police enforce immigration laws via the 287(g) program, which saves lives by removing dangerous illegal aliens from our communities.

By contrast, Dole's opponent state Senator Kay Hagan, has stood with the Democratic leadership, that has dominated in Raleigh for 136 years, to stop almost all state level immigration enforcement bills. While we have gotten a few small immigration enforcement bills past them, over 90% of the immigration enforcement bills submitted were killed in committee by Hagan's Democratic allies, which never allowed discussions or votes to take place.

Any voter who is concerned about illegal immigration and favors more enforcement over versions of amnesty, which would turn millions of illegal aliens into voters, the choice is clear. Senator Dole has stood with you.

Please choose wisely in this year's elections. A new push for Amnesty is expected in the US Senate in early 2009 and I will either be in Elizabeth Dole's office thanking her for her opposition to the bills or outside of Kay Hagan's offices begging her not to vote for Amnesty, as we expect she will.

William Gheen
President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC
Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 703-0864
FEC ID: C00405878



To The Editors:

South Carolina incumbent US Senator Lindsey Graham has been one of the most visible national leaders supporting versions of Amnesty for illegal aliens in America! How could South Carolina continue to elect a politician who is so out of line with the South Carolina voters who favor enforcement over amnesty by two to one?

Have the voters of South Carolina considered what future elections will be like, when the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens in the state become the new voting block, under Lindsey Graham and Ted Kennedy's bills?

In 2006 and 2007 we were barely able to stop Lindsey Graham's amnesty legislation and we stopped it because the outcry from Americans, which was so intense it shut down the Capitol Hill phone systems. While many Senators backed away and listened to their constituents, Lindsey Graham never listened and never apologized.

Graham even presented a speech at an awards ceremony, before the National Council of La Raza (The Race), where he told the pro-Amnesty group that "Nobody owns America" and "We are going to tell the bigots to shut up." Later, Lindsey would claim he was talking about the KKK but he never mentioned the KKK in his speech and anyone who has looked into this matter can see that Lindsey Graham meant his "bigots" accusation in a much broader context to include anyone against his Amnesty bill.

Graham's poll numbers fell so low in the middle of his push for Amnesty that nobody would elect him as a dog catcher at the time, but how quickly the ballot cattle forget!

In 2008, the fine citizens of South Carolina have a once in six years opportunity to send a message to the nation that Amnesty for illegal aliens will not be supported. Graham's opponent, Bob Conley has promised to stand with the majority of South Carolina's legal citizens on issues and oppose Amnesty. So the choice is yours. Do you want someone who will listen to you, or an incumbent like Lindsey Graham who does not listen and supports turning your illegal aliens into future citizens and voters?

William Gheen
Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 703-0864
FEC ID: C00405878