Friends of ALIPAC,

Please take immediate action to circulate this video and story. Thousands of Americans are being killed each year because our borders are not secure and our immigration laws go un-enforced by our governments.

The mass murder of the Balogna family illustrates what can happen to any American, including you or your family.

Please say a prayer for the Balogna family and all of the Americans that will be needlessly lost this year to illegal aliens. Please pray that we will succeed in our efforts to save lives.

Please read the full details of the story first.

San Francisco Sanctuary and US Government accessories to triple homicide!

Then please watch and distribute this video about the murders.

Please note that while Fox News lists Francisco Hernandez, who opposes William Gheen of ALIPAC in this video, as merely an immigration attorney he has other credentials.

He is a close friend and supporter of George Bush and former Mexican President Vicente Fox. Francisco Hernandez serves on the McCain campaign as does his brother Juan Hernandez. Francisco has dual citizenship as a Mexican and American and worked on Fox's campaign.

To see their picture and comment, visit this link..

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William Gheen of ALIPAC on Your World with Neil Cavuto on Fox
Illegal Alien Mass Murder