Keep in mind that the environment was not the rough and tumble of a street protest or a town hall meeting or a legislative debate that many of us are familiar with. It was more of a sales event at a private facility. And at a private facility the owner sets the rules, just like the owner of this message board sets the rules that must be complied with.

With that being said I got there early and the room as already filled. C-SPAN was there.
I went to the person in charge of the event. I gave them my name and identified myself as an anti-illegal immigration activist from the Farmingville community and asked permission to address the audience for 1 minute. Literally. I was only asking for 1 minute and I had my stopwatch. The owner came over and asked me what I wanted to say.

I told them I wanted to point out to the audience that although in the distant past Pat B. was good on the issue of illegal immigration, in 2004 he sold out the issue by endorsing Bush for re-election without demanding that Bush enforce existing immigration laws in return for his endorsement. I showed them the wanted poster for the illegal alien who killed the women in Farmingville and then skipped bail and has never been brought to justice and I wanted to ask the audience the rhetorical question of how Pat B’s new book will help bring this perpetrator to justice.

The owner politely said No to my request. The owner was very pleasant and professional and familiar with Farmingville and receptive to my points. We talked and I then asked him if I can in a very civil fashion raise these issues face to face with Pat B.. either privately before he takes the floor or in the question and answer part of the presentation. He very respectfully told me why he did not want me to do that and I complied.

However in a lot of mingling and private conversations that I engaged in before Pat B. took the floor I was making my point and everyone I talked to agreed that Pat B. should not have given away his endorsement without demanding that Bush enforce existing immigration laws in return for his endorsement.

Pat B. Took the floor and held up his book and was talking about it being #1. I held the wanted poster of the illegal alien who killed the women in Farmingville and walked out.