You were awesome on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and especially Sunday! Phones on Capitol Hill were ringing off the hook with furious, patriotic Americans who are gravely concerned about the future of our UNITED STATES of AMERICA.

Today, Monday, the Senate will take up AMNESTY Bill S.1348. A cloture vote will take place on Monday afternoon. This vote will decide whether they will be able to stick a knife in the heart of the American people & circumvent the process. To prevent the bill from coming to the Senate floor, 41 "NO" votes are needed.
This is where we need to be focused: attempting to stop the bill by calling Senators of both parties and telling them to vote "NO" on cloture!

NOTE: LISTS & TOLL FREE NUMBERS to be added momentarily

Remember, each Senator's vote affects you! You have every right to call any Senator and express your opinion, especially since American citizens WERE NOT among the ' special interest ' group in the room when this treasonous legislation was being debated and drafted.
OUTRAGE: The American people and most of the Senate have not been allowed to see the text of the bill!!!!!
This is a serious breach of confidence with the American people and forecasts the DANGER that lerks within this legislation!
............Racist anti-American groups have "veto power" over the final product!

It might be uncomfortable for you to call other Senators but this is an urgent, vital, Critical time in American history and we all must stretch out of our comfort zone in order to WIN this battle.

You can also tell them you have contributed time, votes and money to their particular party and expect to be heard! Do not allow yourselves to be put off by twenty-something cocky aides!

Do not let up, do not give in! You are the only thing standing between the Senate and an amnesty that could forever change this country, one that will most certainly take us further down the path to the North American Union (yes, this bill contains NAU/SPP provisions)!

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Talking points to consider for your calls on Monday:

> Say, that a Vote 'YES' for Cloture is a VOTE for AMNESTY.

> This AMNESTY bill is not an "Immigration Bill", it is a TREASONOUS piece of legislation, written in secrecy and still not available to American citizens or most of the Senate to read and analyze. The Senate is now trying to ramrod this bill through Congress and down the throats of Americans. I now consider the Senate's actions Treason.

> What is burried in this 1000 page AMNESTY bill that is so anti-American it is stilll being hidden from the American people?

> Why was this bill written with the assistance of LA RAZA, a racist organization and the Chamber of Commerce?

> Kennedy, Graham, Kyl and McCain degraded U.S. citizenship to that of a criminal. Put another way, they upgraded 20 million criminals to U.S. citizenship.

> This AMNESTY bill benefits illegal aliens and requires American taxpayers to pay trillions of their hard earned dollars in entitlements to support them.

> If the Senator votes YES for Cloture, he is betraying American citizens and I will make it my mission to send my donations to anyone who will run against him in the future. That's the beauty of America. I can donate to any candidate I choose to, whether in my state or any another.

> Why are George Bush, Ted Kennedy, John McCain and Lindsay Graham refusing to explain how this bill "benefits Americans?" This bill benefits only foreign nationals and their respective nations. The Senate has turned their backs on the American people. I am outraged.

> This treasonous amnesty bill sells American citizenship for $5000.00 and allows in-state tuition for illegal aliens to all colleges and universities. Where is the DREAM ACT for American children?

> Why in the world would your senator want to jump off of the cliff with Ted Kennedy and a President who has a 28% approval rating to vote for legislation that he/she has not even read? He/she must be willing to commit political suicide.

NOTE: LISTS & TOLL FREE NUMBERS will be listed momentarily