* BLITZ * the Senate to STOP! their HAIL MARY AMNESTY BOMB before it explodes on Wednesday!!

Our success depends on the strength of our efforts and our ability to mobilize quickly - Mon, Tues, Wed.

CALL and make your voice be heard!
We're down to the wire.

* see "talking points" below

Toll Free Congressional switchboard: 800-862-5530

PHONE GROUP #1 = Newly Elected & Senators up for Re-Election in '08

Make sure you tell them when you call that their vote on the AMNESTY BOMB BILL will determine your vote in '08!

> REPUBS first
Alexander (R)
Allard (R) (retiring?)
Chambliss (R)
Cochran (R)
Coleman (R)
Collins (R)
Cornyn (R)
Craig (R)
Dole (R)
Domenici (R)
Enzi (R)
Graham (R)
Hagel (R)
Inhofe (R)
McConnell (R)
Roberts (R)
Sessions (R)
Smith (R)
Stevens (R)
Sununu (R)
Warner (R)
> Newly Elected - second

Claire McCaskill {D} Ks
Bob Corker {R} Tn
John Testor {D} Mt
Jim Webb {D} Va
Benjamin Cardin {D} Md
Amy Klobuchar {D} Mn
Sherrod Brown {D} Oh
Robert Casey {D} Pa
Sheldon Whitehouse {D} RI
> Dems third

Baucus (D)
Biden (D)
Durbin (D)
Harkin (D)
Johnson (D)
Kerry (D)
Landrieu (D)
Lautenberg (D)
Levin (D)
Pryor (D)
Reed (D)
Rockefeller (D)

Talking points for phone calls:

1. I am a concerned and infuriated citizen, a taxpayer, a voter, this is my country and I demand to be heard! Your Senator’s vote, should it be a ‘yes’ for this amnesty bomb, it will negatively effect every American citizen. Our children and their children will be paying an unimaginably heavy price to feed the greed of our lawmakers.

*****2. I have access to hundreds / thousands of voters and bloggers in your state via the internet. Should this Senator vote for AMNESTY by any name, I promise you I will use my influence in your state and do everything I possibly can to see he is never re-elected to public office. (When talking to Kyl, mention that Senator Kyl pledged on his website to oppose amnesty by any name. Why, then, is he secretly involved in creating AMNESTY legislation with the whitehouse?)

3. This is not a partisan issue, a left or right issue. This is an issue that will destroy our America.

4. Amnesty = being permitted to stay and work whether they must exit the US at some point and be allowed back in. No touchback! No step out, step in. No Ellis Islands. And, absolutely no triggers. Your double-talk will by no means fool the American people.

5. I believe the Senate is attempting to sell citizenship to our great country for a measly “fineâ€